All the while hoping he moves quickly away.

When she feels it is safe she lowers her arms and cracks her eyes.

The next hiss sounds in her ear as she is grabbed and slung towards the ravaged remains of a carousel.

Trying to keep her feet she trips over the edge landing on the corroded surface. Jerking around and pushing the curtain of her hair from her face she still since more.

A white face pale with make up a face so like his own hovers within black smoke. A single black tear is painted below the right eye that leers at her rimmed in blood red.

He stalks toward her this creepy mime that looks like her love. Yet this face is filled with evil unpleasant things are in her future if he catches her.

She pushes of the metal intent upon escape fleeing through the broken menagerie. She sees an open field ahead freedom within her grasp.

Not to be had something smelling of must and decay is dropped over her head.

A rough hand clutches her arm as she struggles before a band of steel wraps her pulling her flush against his chest.

She hears metal clanging as she is carried forward and chained. The hood is left on as something cuts and peels her dress from her.


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