"Maybe you're right."

He smiled. "I know I'm right. Now let's eat lunch."

For the next week she cautiously accepted his occasional displays of affection. The ugly feeling was beginning to leave, but there was still that other thing. They were making no progress in their relationship. It was plain that Cade was content with things the way they were, but she wanted more. She wanted a permanent relationship with him - marriage. If that wasn't an option, it was time to leave. But as time progressed, his obvious reluctance to propose marriage presented a far more difficult problem. Mary showed up one morning in time to witness that fact.

Cynthia was spending her third morning hugging the stool when someone knocked on the door. Wiping her face with a cold rag, she composed herself and answered the door.

Mary gasped. "You look terrible. What's the matter? Are you sick?" Realization flooded her face with horror. "You're not."

Cynthia nodded. "I'm afraid so. I was hoping I was simply a few weeks late, but it's been over three now and then this started."

"What did Russ say?"

Cynthia dropped to the couch and held the cool rag to her face as a new wave of nausea clutched her stomach. "He doesn't know - and I'm not going to tell him."

Mary gaped at her. "Why not?"


"Because he doesn't want to get married and I'm not going to force him into it by making him feel guilty."

Mary shook her head. "Then what are you going to do?"

Cynthia removed the rag from her face and stared at her friend. "Move out. Do you think I can get a job at the diner again?"

Mary nodded. "Sure. Chet never did hire anyone else. He's still short-handed. You can move in with me. But don't you think you should tell Russ? After all, he has a right to know."

"I know I'll have to tell him eventually, but I'd rather wait until I get a job and an apartment. I'll just write him a note and..."

"A note? For crying out loud, Cindy, he'll be devastated," Mary interrupted. If you'd just tell him about the baby...I can't believe Russ would shirk the responsibility of his own child. He..."

"He doesn't want children and I'm not about to manipulate him with guilt. If he's honestly interested in me, he can come courting the proper way. Otherwise, it's just as well we never see each other again."

"I see. So when do you plan to leave?"

Cynthia clamped the rag to her face again. "As soon as I can get packed. At this rate it may take a week."

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