"I know; you like your solitude." She mounted again and watched him swing lithely into the saddle. "If you opened the place up to tourists, the ranch would lose its purity ...but it seems such a waste." She shrugged. "It's such a big ranch and...well; haven't you ever considered hiring some help?"

He stared out across the field. "Mom always told me I was vain enough to think I was the only one who could do things right. If I had paid more attention to her and spent a little less time out on the range, she might be alive today." He stared at her. "You remind me of her sometimes."

Whether that was a good or bad thing she couldn't guess, and she didn't have time to ask. He turned his mount and started up the hill at a lope. It was difficult enough to stay with him - conversation was impossible.

Again they traveled across the wild country. Several times they scared up a covey of quail and once even a wild pig. As the sun reached its zenith, they put their horses down a steep slope. Below them a creek wound sluggishly through a narrow valley. Was this the same creek they had stopped to eat lunch beside that first time? It was a good thing Cade was with her, because she had no idea how to get back to the house.

At the creek Cade drew up and dismounted. "This looks like a good spot to eat lunch." He lifted his arms to help her down.

After a slight hesitation, she leaned forward and gripped his shoulders. He grasped her waist and lifted her bodily from the saddle. It all appeared innocent until her feet touched the ground, and he pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her as his lips sought hers hungrily. She struggled, but his grip was firm - and then he released her.

She backed away from him, wiping her mouth as she threw him a poisonous look. Had he brought her all the way out here to force himself on her?

He shrugged, turning to his saddlebags for the food. "I thought you might have thawed out a little by now. Obviously I was wrong." He jerked the saddlebags from the back of his horse and glowered at her. "You know, Cindy. It doesn't always have to culminate in sex."

She stared at him. "What?"

"You said you didn't want to sleep with me again and I respect your decision. Does that mean we can't indulge in a little innocent affection now and then?"


She moved away from him and contemplated the creek absently. It might be innocent to him, but it was far from that for her. But he did have a point. The only thing she had been proving lately was that she could successfully avoid him. He wasn't the first man she had kissed and she had never considered herself promiscuous with other men. Had she carried things too far in the opposite direction? She sighed and turned.

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