“Well, you should tell her that then. She’s too comfortable with you. Too familiar and I don’t like it at all.” I folded my arms, still not convinced.

He barely shook his head, not bothering to answer me.

“Do you find her beautiful, Blake?” I asked, knowing the bitch was an astounding ten in any man’s ranking.

Blake glared at me, patience running thin. “Sienna—this is ridiculous!”

“Just answer the question.” I persisted, not wanting to drop the subject until he told me the truth.

“Yes, I think she’s beautiful,” Blake murmured, looking away.

I asked for it, but I was left speechless because the red lights were flashing in my head. Blake hasn’t kissed me, hasn’t made love to me or declared his love, ever since that last time in his office.

Things were going down the drain; I was trying to hang on to a sinking boat. When will I start looking for something to stay afloat and wait it out, or will I brave it out, bare without anything other than faith?

I could feel life slipping off me. Slowly, it dwindled away, draining me, until I was no more.

Acting wasn’t a good forte, but I managed throughout the reception as Chad and Luke kept me entertained.

When I got an email from my conservator telling me that the documents are ready and could fax it right away, I asked Luke and Chad to Marbella’s fax number, knowing that we were heading out there tonight. We have commuted from Madrid to Marbella twice already.


Shooting my quick reply attached with the fax information, I was somewhat happy at the thought of leaving my will to the orphans. The thought of the Brown’s getting my money turned me cold and bitter.

The night dragged on, before Chad and Luke said their goodbyes because they had to head out to London for the last flight because Luke was New York bound tomorrow and they wanted to spend sometime together.

“Take care of my love, Luke. Make him happy.” I hugged Luke, before sadness filled my heart as I glanced at the beaming Chad.

“I don’t’ get to see you as much. I’ve missed you.” I kissed his lips, knowing that life was never going to be the same. We were all growing up, leading our own lives.

Chad kissed my forehead. “I’m only a call away. Don’t let that bitch get her claws into your man. I can smell her shit a mile away.” He peered at me, knowing what was running through my head. “And for the record, you’re so much hotter, so don’t let her confidence run you over, baby love. You’re wearing his engagement ring. You’re entitled to him. So tell her to back the f**k off. Or you want me to do it for you?”

Chad was truly a great friend, but I could fight my own battles, whatever was left with my spirit, I guess. “I’ll speak to her.” I assured him, before they left the place.

I was walking around looking for Blake. My tracks froze the second I saw them laugh together.

Something broke inside me. And before I knew it, I was striding towards them.

I have had enough.

“Excuse me, but I need to speak to my fiancée privately.” I rudely interrupted, pinning the bitch down with don’t-fuck-with-me-eyes.

Adriana’s laughter died, before she gave me a sour smile, excusing herself.

She wasn’t even out of earshot before I shot at Blake. “Fire her.” I demanded, fuming.

He looked perplexed. “I beg your pardon?”

I gritted my teeth, running out of fuel. “I said. Fire. Her.”

“No. It’s unjustifiable. Just because you’re jealous, you can’t just throw around weight into someone’s welfare.” Blake dragged me to the nearest corner, wanting privacy.

Jealousy was a horrid thing. “So you’re not going to do shit about it?” I pressed on.

His nose flared, standing his ground. “No, Sienna. I won’t.”

I yanked my arm of his hold, belligerent. “Fine! Fucking fine!” I spat at him, before walking towards the direction where Adriana took earlier, scouring the place that was surrounded with people celebrating the new nuptials.

Yeah, I was crazy, but I needed to resolve this tonight. I wasn’t going to let it go, I knew as much. Spotting Adriana leaning against the patio doors, watching the fountain lights changed into different colors before I stopped right next to her.

My intentions were for me to calmly discuss this rationally like adults, as civilly as possible. But that intention went out the window the second I opened my mouth. “You want him.”

Adriana darted me a knowing look, before glancing back to what she was staring at before I got here. “I do.” She paused, unwavering. “Give it a few more months and I think he will too.” She let the words sink into me, before adding more barbs. “I’m not trying to be mean or anything, but you two don’t spend that much time together, and from what I can see, your relationship is strained—awkward even.” She sounded thoughtful, like she knew Blake, me—us as a couple. “I believe your engagement ring is for show. But I think the second they catch the people who caused you harm, he’ll leave. I think he’s blaming himself for that accident, but take that out of the picture, what else do you two have?” Adriana glanced at me, making sure I understood what she meant. “The love has come and gone…everyone can attest to that.”

Everyone? Pure utter bull. “First off. Fuck. You.” I spat at her, losing it. “Second, your just his assistant. What the hell do you know about my relationship with Blake? You don’t know shit!”

Adriana looked at me with sorry in her eyes—not for what she said, but at me—she thought I was pathetic. “I may just be his assistant, but I’m with him all hours of the day. He talks to me. Blake laughs with me. He jokes with me. Not once did I see him smile with you. Doesn’t that tell you something?” She shook her head, as if I should know these things already. That Blake was slowly moving on without me—to her.

I wasn’t going to lie because her words hurt. Knowing quite well that it was somewhat true, Blake was different. As much as I wanted things to be the same, they weren’t anymore. “He loves me.” I said the words, but somehow not sure if they were true anymore.

Adriana caught on me. “Maybe, he probably still does, but the passion is not there anymore. Do you know how difficult his life is? Do you have any idea? No? Of course you don’t. Because you never cared or bothered. All you care about is your damn life. Blake already has a lot on his plate. Add more of your drama and he’s a walking exhaustion.” Adriana spun on she side, focusing on me now. “Don’t you see? You’re toxic. You need to get out of his life and let him be. He’s miserable with you.” Adriana shook her head, disgusted. “You need to set him free. You’re not good for him. Everyone thinks so. Everyone thinks that he would’ve been better off with that Camilla woman. Basically, anyone but you.” She looked me up and down, before leaving me, speechless and in shambles.

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