This I could do, I thought as I dragged us both into bed, wrapping my arms around her before we fell asleep.

Time. It was what we needed. If we were both patient enough to figure this through, then the rewards will be worth it.

The big question was, are we strong enough to survive it?



We were in the Groom’s receiving chamber when there was a soft knock on the door. “Shall I?” I glanced towards Toby.

He nodded, looking pale and devoid of life. “Yeah.”

When I opened the door, I shouldn’t have been surprised, but I truly was when I found Lucy on the other side of the door. “Luce?” I questioned, not knowing if I should let her in.

She looked as pale as Toby. “I need to speak to him.”

Gesturing for her to come in, Toby’s eyes widened when he saw his ex stride towards him, dressed in all the wedding regalia.

Lucy didn’t even wait a second for privacy or anything; she just batted right through it. “Don’t marry her,” Lucy said, voice cold.


I motioned to leave the room but Toby me a nasty look and told me to not move an inch if my life depended on it. “Bloody hell”, I muttered.

“Lucy—” Toby glanced at me, then back to her. “Why are you here, Luce? I thought you despised the likes of me?”

She did, but the bloody fool was in love with him too, I silently added to their conversation. Hoping that this was going to resolve their issues, if at all.

Good intentions were shot down the second Lucille Connelly opened her gob. I cursed inwardly, hating to be in Toby’s shoes.

“I do hate you.” She darted him a steady glare, unapologetic.

Toby nodded, understanding it all. “I did know that, but thank you all the same for clarifying the hellish fact.”

“What the hell did you expect?” Lucy retorted back, full of vengeance.

Toby moved past her, before pausing again. “You’re more than welcome to stay for the ceremony. But I have to get going, I have a bride to marry myself to.”

“A pregnant bride!” Lucy added with scorn.

Toby laughed, disbelieving. “Yes, of course.” He gave me a quick look before storming out of the room.

Sighing, I directed my gaze towards Lucy. I understood her anger all too well, but she was pushing the wrong things. Maybe her goal was to push him to marry Amelia. If it were, then she did it superbly.

I hated when I was in the middle of my friends, it was such a blasted feeling. “Are you planning on staying?”

“Over my dead body! Like hell I was going to watch that stupid fool marry some floozy.” Lucy fumed, before I caught the moisture that was gathering around her eyes.

She was hurting, but too stubborn to admit that she wanted him back.

“Talk to him. You two are still in love, why waste time?” I said the words, but wondered if that applied to Sienna and I.

“What for? Have you seen the catastrophe outside? He’s about to get married Blake. My eyes are wide open, disbelieving the events that are going on around me. But that doesn’t make it any less real. I’m throwing in the towel.” She shot the words like they were some sort of goodbye.

Moving over to her, I gave her a quick hug and kissed her forehead. “Have a safe fight back, Lucy.”

She gave me a teary smile, before she dashed towards the doors and left for good.

I was here, somewhere in this Cathedral, wondering if my relationship was just as doomed as theirs. I’ve known these two for years, Toby since childhood, and I could’ve betted my soul that these two were going to be together. They were so in love, but somewhere down the line, it became tattered as they let people pierce their armor. Together they fell. Miserable. Lonely. Alone.

Where did my fate lie?

The knock on the door brought me out of my reverie and back to my present. It was a one of the events coordinator telling me that it was time to get to the altar with the groom.

Toby was really going to marry someone he didn’t loved. Someone he despised and loathed.

The world was a bloody twisted thing. Ugly and grotesque, but one shall survive and adapt.


We were now heading out of the Cathedral, on our way to the reception. The wedding took an hour and fifteen minutes. I watched with a heavy heart as my friend took his vows, promising love and forever to the woman alongside him, sounding like a bloody robot as the despicable woman just smiled with bravado, knowing quite well she captured a good man.

Women like Amelia were relentless and the world was packed with women with the likes of her.

I wanted to protest, but a quick glance at Chad and Sienna holding each other’s hands, teary and gutted, I knew that things were meant to be this way. Toby was going to be a father soon. The man needed my support, not my opinion.

Life wasn’t fair. Toby knew it, but he was taking it in strides, becoming a man I admired.



I caught Adriana talking to Blake when I came to look for him. Toby worked with her and from what I gathered, became a good friend of his as well. My hateful distaste for the woman became intense as the time ticked by.

Her sultry glances towards Blake were driving me insane. Yes, I was scared and jealous that she could easily tempt him, because let’s face it; Blake wasn’t all that enthralled with me anymore.

Not like before.

“I don’t like her.” I muttered, getting riled up the second he shut the car door.

“Who? Adriana? Why?” The stupid man asked.

I glared at him, gauging if he really was acting stupid. “She likes you—no—I actually think she wants you.”

“No—what you’re seeing is us building friendship. She and I got really close over the weeks.” Blake tried to explain, nonchalant.

I tensed, freaking out inside. Shit. Shit. Shit! “How close?”

He was on his mobile, sorting through messages, responding to me. “Close enough. I talk to her once in awhile.”

So, the bitch was worming her way into him by lending a shoulder to cry on? Fucking skanky bitch! Why couldn’t she find her own man and leave mine alone? I simmered, trying to train my jealousy into a lull. “Why don’t you talk to me?”

Blake was typing a reply, sending it before he threw me a glance, unreadable. “Because you’re always… unavailable.”

True, maybe my internship was taking up a lot of my time, but I could meet him halfway. “Then I’ll make time.”

Blake gave a dry laugh, looking at me like I had conjured these things in my head. “Sienna, there’s no need for you to be jealous okay? She and I are purely platonic.”

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