Clarke left the meeting feeling unsure of whether or not the woman enjoyed what she brought to the table. But it didn't go terrible; so that was progress. At least, that's what others would say. But Clarke was always her own harshest critic. It was past one in the afternoon, and she was annoyed she had been gone so long. She would just get back to the shop and then think about ways she could improve or save the sale for sure.

As she got into her car, her phone buzzed. Without looking, she flipped on the blue tooth in the car and answered. She figured it was probably another client or Katie. But the voice that came through the receiver was one she would have rather not heard at that moment. "Well, well, look who finally answered the phone. I was wondering when you would."

"Don't you have clients, Mother?" Clarke snapped at her coldly. Her mother only ever called or came around when it benefited her ego, but deep down Clarke still cared, which is why she reacted so poorly every time they talked. She wanted her mother to see her for once, though she knew it was never going to happen.

"I'm on my lunch break, Clarke. Please, don't talk to me that way."

"Fine, Mother, why did you call me on your lunch break?" she asked more softly, trying to navigate the road which was now busy with lunchtime traffic. People were randomly slamming on their breaks to turn into every fast food joint they passed, and it was getting on her nerves.

"Well, I wanted to tell you that I ran into Mr. and Mrs. Coleman today." Her mother never went anywhere she could run into people, so that told Clarke they were probably clients which didn't surprise her one bit. They had always been the type to be sue-happy. They also happened to be her ex-boyfriend's parents. And by ex-boyfriend, she meant the first guy in high school she ever made out with. His name was Bobby, and they'd gotten their braces stuck on each other freshman year. But for some reason he'd always stuck in her mother's mind. It was the only thing Clarke had ever done that her mother approved of; probably because his parents were rich and seemingly perfect.

"So?" Clarke asked impatiently.

"Well, it turns out Bobby is now Dr. Bobby Coleman; a surgeon in fact. And it seems not only is he still interested in you; he also has a job available for a medical biller. He's willing to train you and hire you. It's like a double whammy, right?"

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