She cut off a black SUV and watched the driver flip her the bird in her rear view mirror. She just glared and kept going, making it to Lincoln Crossing Estates in no time. She gave her name to the pudgy guard at the gate that in no way could stand up against a real intruder, and drove through the gate to find the correct house.

She'd seen it in a picture once in a business magazine she subscribed to. It didn't look completely unlike a small scale version of the White House. It was all white with hardly any color at all other than a dark wood door. And it had columns out in front.

Clarke followed the GPS through the maze of roads until she found Prairiedog. At the end of the street, on a cul-de-sac, sat the large mansion that she was going to be meeting the woman in. It was a bit intimidating to think that this was the woman she was trying to impress; one that lived in a house where she was waited on hand and foot and had a team of decorators at her disposal all the time. But she had promised herself she was going to do everything in her power. She puffed up my chest and walked up to the door which miraculously opened. The staff must have been waiting on her.

Not a word was exchanged as she followed a man in a suit that led her into a formal living room complete with antique furniture and gestured for Clarke to take a seat on a green and gold sofa. Then, he disappeared down a long hall that led to what looked like at least half a dozen more rooms. It made her wonder how many bedrooms and bathrooms there were to constantly be cleaned and why in the world an old couple needed so much space.

She nervously tapped her foot as her hands began to shake. She lay out her plans nice and neatly on the oak coffee table in front of the sofa. Then, she heard a sound and looked up to see a woman walking down the hallway. She had white curly hair, but that was the only things that gave her age away. She had on a pink cashmere sweater and some white jeans. Her face looked about 20 years younger and natural; not like she had any work done. The way her lips were pursed reminded Clarke a bit of Maggie Smith.

Clarke took a deep breath and looked down at all the plans sitting before her and sat up straight in her seat, ready to present her ideas to the biggest client she'd ever had.

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