“The women she’s been hurting…are they from her lair?”

“Yes. The other lair members know she’s punishing the women, they just don’t know how she’s punishing them. Apparently a lot of those punishments are for imaginary crimes.” Khloë’s upper lip curled. “In my opinion, she’s not punishing them, she’s doing it because it’s how she gets off.”

“Before, you said sexual sadism.”

“She sexually assaults them.”

Harper cursed, scrubbing a hand down her face. “I feel sick.”

“According to my source, she seems to hate her own gender.”

“Any idea why? Was her mother abusive or something?”

“No, but her father was; her mother committed suicide. That’s as much as my contact knows about her past.”

Harper shrugged. “Then maybe it’s something else. Maybe she hates herself and she’s projecting that onto other women – especially if those women are confident, happy, and have things that Isla want.”

“Could be.”

“There isn’t a way we can help them. Lairs don’t interfere in each other’s business.” Harper exhaled heavily. “Sadly, she’s not the only Prime who hurts her lair. It goes on all over the world.”


“Yep. And Malden’s promise of a voice will appeal to all those victims,” Khloë pointed out.

“He won’t live up to his promises.”

“We know that. But I have a feeling that most of the public don’t. And that’s not good.”

Harper sighed. “No, it’s not.” The polling would take place in two days’ time in the same Underground hotel that the speeches were held. “The whisper campaigns have done some damage, though not the damage the Primes had intended.” Instead of making the public choose one Prime over the others, it had made them too confused to trust any of the candidates. As such, a lot of demons weren’t so keen on making any changes.

“I gotta tell ya, Harper, I’m no longer so sure that it’s dark practitioners behind the attacks on you. At first, I thought you were right. But now that I know what Isla’s capable of, how good she is at hiding her true self from anyone, I’m thinking maybe Knox is right and Isla’s the culprit.”

“She’d certainly get off on it. But that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s her.”

“Speaking of another possible culprit…Has Knox or his sentinels figured out who the Kendra impersonator really is?”

Harper shook her head. “They can’t find her either. Not even with a bounty on her head.”

“She’s probably stole another person’s identity, hiding in plain sight.”

“That’s what I’m thinking.”

Khloë braced her elbows on the desk and began playing with Harper’s stapler. “Enough of all the depressing shit. What are you doing for your birthday tomorrow?”

Harper happily went along with changing the subject. “Knox is being very mysterious about it. All I know is that he’s taking me somewhere.” Demons didn’t do the whole card and gift thing like humans, but they did celebrate their birthdays. Some liked to indulge in a good ole adrenalin rush, others might prefer a night in the Underground, and – in the case of imps – some might be more attracted to the idea of breaking into a bank vault for fun.

“What about Lucian?”

“He called me yesterday. It’ll be a few days before he can make it here. He said he can’t find anyone to take care of his emu while he’s gone.”

Khloë gaped. “An emu? That guy is just warped.”

Harper chuckled. “I’m actually glad he won’t be here for another few days. I’m not at all eager for him to meet Knox.”

Putting down the stapler, Khloë smiled. “Knox is gonna verbally kick his ass. You know that, right?”

“I know.” Harper sighed. “I’ve tried to explain that Lucian’s not as bad as he thinks, but I’m not getting through to Knox.”

“He’s your mate, he’s protective of you. That’s a good thing. So…has he told you what he is yet?” Her tone warned that there would be repercussions if he hadn’t.

“Don’t interfere. He’ll tell me when he’s ready.”



“Fine, fine, whatever. I suppose we can’t really be upset with him for holding back from you, since you’re keeping a whopper of a secret from him.”

“I am?” This was the first Harper had heard of it.

“Yes…unless you’ve finally told him that you love him.”

Harper spluttered. “I didn’t say that I love him.”

“Be honest, you do.” When Harper didn’t speak, Khloë groaned, her expression a plea. “Come on, you can tell me, Harper. I know I’m an irritating bitch, and I know I’m full of advice that you don’t want to hear, but we’ve always shared shit.”

She made her confession quickly. “Yes, I love him. No, I haven’t told him.”

“You don’t want him to know you love him until you’re sure he loves you right back,” Khloë guessed.

“I’m honestly not sure if ‘love’ is on Knox’s emotional scale.” It wasn’t something she begrudged him for. He was the way he was, and she had to accept that.

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