Harper arched her brows. Who’d have thought the Devil had morals? “Does it bother you that Isla might be doing horrible shit to her lair?”

“She hasn’t violated any of my rules.”

Knox knew she’d always been careful not to. Lou’s rules were pretty simple: don’t get caught breaking human laws, don’t reveal their existence, and don’t hurt any child of any species. Yes, he was protective of children. The Devil was no more one-dimensional than anybody else.

“Dario allegedly engages in voodoo sex rituals with his harem that’s constructed of one of every breed of demon, male or female,” said Knox.

Lou’s expression was one of distaste. “Rituals…I’m not really into that.”

Harper just had to ask. “So all those humans who play with what they believe are satanic rituals—”

“Purely irritate me. It’s like having a phone that constantly rings, and each caller is a telemarketer wanting to deliver an annoying spiel and then ask for something in return. And what do they promise me in exchange for whatever I may give them? Their souls. I already have their souls for the simple reason that they just sacrificed a virgin and drank her blood.” He shook his head incredulously, rising to his feet. “Anyway, now that I’ve satisfied my curiosity, I’m heading back. Think you could put some of those skeleton thingies on the collar of my jacket next time I stop by?” he asked Harper.

Surely he had to be kidding….but he didn’t look like he was. “I guess so.”

He grinned, happy again. “Excellent.” Then he was gone.

She stared up at Knox, knowing she had to appear as stunned as she felt. “He’s like a psychopathic child with bipolar and OCD.”

Knox sighed. “That about describes him.”


“Is it wrong that I find him a little morbidly fascinating?”

Knox loomed over her, resting his hands on the sofa either side of her head. “If you’re going to find anyone fascinating, it should be me.”

She smiled, running her hands up his chest. “You’re a different kind of fascinating. And hot. Seriously hot. Your ass is epic. And you have the best voice – velvety and smoky and rumbly. Did I mention you’re hot?

He nipped her chin. “Good save.”

“Aw, you two are kind of cute.”

Knox closed his eyes. “Lou.”

“Okay, okay, I was just bringing the jacket.” He slung it on the sofa. “One minute you’re perfectly civil, and the next minute you’re growling at me. I don’t know where I am with you.” He disappeared again.

Harper found herself chuckling. “I don’t know how to process any of what’s just happened.” It just felt too surreal.

“You know what, baby…it’s probably best for your mental health if you don’t.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right.”


“Got the info you asked for. Wasn’t easy.”

Harper leaned back in her office chair, sighing at Khloë. “I’m not going to like this at all, am I?”

“Not one little bit.”

Jolene had taught Harper to ‘always know your enemy.’ So weeks ago, Harper had contacted her sources and done some research on Isla. But all the different stories she’d heard had contradicted each other, and she’d quickly suspected that Isla had fabricated those stories to keep people from knowing the truth. So Harper had gone to the one person who could find out anything: Khloë.

Her cousin settled in the chair opposite Harper. “It took so long to dig up info because her inner circle is utterly devoted to her in a way that’s just creepy…like she’s some kind of goddess.”

“What did you find out?”

“In short, Isla’s an ambitious, greedy, power-hungry bitch who rose to her position by blackmailing, intimidating, framing, and jumping in bed with people.”

Harper blinked. “It’s hard to imagine her jumping into bed with someone. She’s never struck me as a sexual person – she’s too robotic and apathetic.”

“Yes, but sex can often be a way to control people, can’t it? She probably uses it as a weapon.”

That sounded more like Isla.

“She has no limits and believes herself to be untouchable. She also flies into rages that could put fear into even Lucifer.”

“Rages?” It was hard to imagine that happening. Isla just seemed so composed all the time. Even when she’d been pissed at the conference in Manhattan, she hadn’t lost control.

“Oh yeah. Behind that collected exterior is a paranoid, deranged, corrupt woman. She also has a little secret that she mistakenly thinks is well-guarded. She thinks that only her inner circle of demons – who believe she can’t do wrong, and who’ll do whatever she asks of them, because they worship her – are the only ones that know.”

Harper leaned forward in her seat. “What is this little secret?”

“It seems that Isla has a little thing for sexual sadism.”

Okay, that was a shock. “Seriously?”

“Personally, I don’t view what she’s doing as sexual sadism. I just call it plain twisted. She ties up unwilling women and does everything short of killing them. When she gets bored of a woman, she has one of her inner circle kill her. It’s odd that she doesn’t do that herself, considering she has absolutely no problem doing other sick shit.”

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