“I have to admit,” began Harper, “I’m interested to hear what he promises.”

“You would consider voting for a Monarch?” asked Raul, shocked.

She snorted. “Not even in an alternate reality. What I mean is that he’d have to offer something different from Isla and Malden, and I can’t think of much else anyone could possibly suggest that would appeal to our kind.”

“Good, because then there’s a high chance his proposal will be dismissed,” said Jolene.

Dario’s smile was wide and pleasant. “Good evening, my fellow demons. If you’re listening after two days of speeches, you’re obviously not as bored as I’d expected. I’ll try to keep this short to minimize the risk of boredom, so listen carefully.

“I do believe the idea of a hierarchical system has merit. But I also believe it will not work for every Prime or every lair. Some demons simply aren’t built to submit, and I do not believe it would be fair to punish them for being who they are.”

“I didn’t see that coming,” muttered Jolene.

“And let’s be honest,” continued Dario, “it isn’t realistic to assume that we can punish every Prime. Some are simply too powerful to be forced to do anything. Any attempts to punish them would only result in them retaliating which, in turn, will soon lead to a war. Or being swallowed by the flames of hell, if that is indeed an ability Knox can boast to have, and I’m not eager to know what that’s like.” Chuckles spread around the room.

“If I am made Monarch, all Primes will have the right to choose whether or not they wish to be part of the new structure and, as such, whether or not they answer to a Monarch. If they choose not to join, their decision will be respected, not punished.”

“Well that’s different,” said Harper in a low voice.

“I am not tempted by the idea of a hierarchy where Primes of small lairs are automatically denied the influence and power that Primes of large lairs would have.” Dario shook his head. “Just because a demon has a small lair does not mean they shouldn’t have the same rights, respect, and say in their lives as other Primes. That is why I am proposing that, in addition to having a Monarch, we should also form a council.


“The Prime of each and every U.S. lair will have a place on that council – providing, of course, they accept me as their Monarch. This does not mean, however, that only the council will have power over decisions. It means that we can work together. Any major changes proposed will, like now, be put to a vote by all U.S. demons – other than for those who have a Prime that chooses not to answer to a Monarch.”

Dario’s gaze swept the room before concentrating on the camera. “There is one final issue I wish to address. Right now, we have lairs that span cities and even entire countries, but we do not have territories. Demons from different lairs can easily intermingle, and this is part of what results in conflict between lairs. I am proposing that each Prime be given their own territory – a territory that outsiders can only cross with permission. This would not only avoid many disputes, but it would make demons within their lairs feel much safer as they will be better protected.”

“Shit, that might just tempt a lot of people,” said Harper. Demons loved to own things. Having territory of their own would seriously appeal to them.

“As for the Primes that do not wish to answer to a Monarch,” began Dario, “however far their lair expands will be considered by those who are part of the new system to be their territory. They will have the right to punish anyone who crosses it, and no one will seek vengeance for such an act. It also means, however, that they will need to in turn respect the boundaries of other territories so as to avoid feuds.

“I truly believe this is a system that can work. Why do I believe that? Because it would benefit everyone, and it would inconvenience no one. The public will have a vote in each decision. No Prime will be considered more influential than any other as only the Monarch would have any authority. All lairs will have territorial boundaries that keep them safe. And any Primes that do not wish to be part of the new system are free to continue as they do now; I only ask that they respect the boundaries of other Primes, just as we would respect theirs. If you want a system that works for all of us, vote for this – vote for me.” He exhaled heavily. “Any questions?”

“You said that any Prime who doesn’t wish to be part of the new system can opt out,” called out a Prime on their left. “What if none of the Primes here wish to join?”

“It’s a very good question, since there is a possibility that it will happen,” allowed Dario. “All I would ask of those Primes is that they respect the boundaries of my territory – nothing more, nothing less. I will form a council from the demons within my own lair, and each future decision I make will depend on votes.”

“So you intend to implement some kind of system, even if it’s only within your own lair?” asked another Prime.

“Yes, because I believe very strongly that it can work; that all demons should have the right to have a say in their lives.”

“When you say that all Primes would be given their own territory, how would you measure the boundaries of that territory?” There was a disturbing amount of interest in that voice coming from the back.

“Let’s say, for instance, that the demons living within a Prime’s lair covers half of Manhattan. That will be their territory. If it covers the whole of Manhattan, all of that will be their territory. In other words, it will only expand as far as those living within their lair currently reside.”

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