“Lucian and Knox.”

Harper’s nose wrinkled. “Yeah, I can’t say I share your anticipation.”

“I do,” said Knox.

“He’ll be here for her birthday in two weeks’ time,” Jolene told him. “You’ll see Lucian then.”

When were you going to tell me your birthday is approaching? he asked Harper.

Oh…never. I don’t like fuss.

Get used to it fast. He’d already warned her that he intended to spoil her; he meant it. She’d just have to learn to love it.


Raul, Tanya, Martina, and Beck were already at the table when Knox, Harper, and Jolene arrived. As Raul started to make small talk, Knox quickly realized that he was looking for clues as to whether or not Harper and Knox were more than anchors. Knox had known of course that his sexually possessive display in the reception area would spread throughout the Underground. It had been his plan. He wanted everyone to know Harper was taken.

What they couldn’t know was that he and Harper were mates, and he was positive that no one would consider it was possible. Everyone knew how detached he was. They wouldn’t imagine he would ever take a mate. Knox hadn’t seen it coming either. But then, he hadn’t seen Harper coming.

“Some anchors have sexual relationships,” Tanya reminded Raul irritably. “Big deal. Why are you hung up on the subject?”


Knox already knew the answer to that. So did Tanya. Hell, probably everybody at the table knew – except for Harper, because she seemed to miss male demon flirting cues. Probably because she was used to human males. “Harper’s off-limits, Raul,” Knox said as he played his fingers possessively through her hair. “I don’t share. And I’d never let anyone touch my mate.”

“Mate?” Tanya echoed, stunned.

Smiling, Raul whistled. “Can’t say I blame you.”

Martina whined at Harper, “You took Knox as your mate and you never told me?”

Harper sighed at her. “A lot has happened in the past twelve hours, okay.” And she really didn’t want to relay it all right there and then.

“I’ll explain everything,” Jolene told Beck and Martina. “But not here.”

Harper mouthed ‘thank you’ at her grandmother, who winked. Thanks so much for blurting that out to Raul when I haven’t even told all my family yet, Knox. The gossip would quickly spread. The culprit would no doubt be pissed at Harper and potentially even at Knox. Understanding hit Harper like a slap; she’d come to learn how Knox’s mind worked. You’re hoping it will piss off the culprit so much that they might even come after you.

Knox had to smile at her astuteness, even though it was a pain in his ass. I want to flush out the person targeting you, yes. If they’re angry enough about this, they might act rashly.

I’ll act rashly if you get hurt, you dumb bastard. The vibe of male amusement that stroked her mind only served to irritate her more. At that moment, waiters arrived at the table with their meals. Each course was as delicious as the one before, and she felt her tension slowly drain away. As always, the dessert was her favorite.

Feeling Knox’s hand lightly squeezing her knee, Harper snapped her gaze to his. He looked her dead in the eye, laser-focused on her in that way he often was. It sent a shiver of anticipation down her spine, though she still maintained he was a dumb bastard.

“I’m still hungry. You going to feed me when we get back to the suite?”

She knew he wasn’t talking about food. She could have said ‘Maybe’ and played aloof, but that would have gotten her another psychic finger-fuck. She wasn’t going to allow that to happen while her grandmother was sitting next to her. “I can do that.”

He tapped her ear gently. “Come here.”

“I am here.”

“I want you closer. Come here, Harper.”

“I think you should meet me in the middle,” she said. A crooked, sexual smile curved his mouth.

Cupping her chin, he leaned in as he pulled her toward him. “I love that dress on you.” He moved his mouth to her ear. “The trouble is…it’s keeping me from what’s mine. That just makes me want to slip my hand up your dress and find out if you’re wet for me. Are you, Harper?”

Well she was now. He didn’t need to whisper, he could talk to her telepathically. But he knew the whispering in her ear thing totally did it for her. “Don’t get me too wet. I’m not wearing panties.”

Knox’s cock twitched. He was hard and heavy, and he wanted to fuck that mouth that was pursed in an impish yet sensual smile. “One less barrier between me and what’s mine.”

She chuckled. “I guess so.” The sound of a throat clearing had her looking up to see Dario, stiff as a board. Knox didn’t move, and she realized his focus was still on her face. Oh, he knew Dario was there. Had probably sensed the guy approaching – Knox was always aware of everything around him. “Speech time, huh?” she said.

Sliding his hand from her chin to her nape, Knox finally looked at Dario. He wasn’t broadcasting any fantasies tonight, which meant he could live.

“Before I give my speech, I just wanted to thank you for your hospitality this weekend, Knox. The entire event has been peaceful and enjoyable. I doubt it would have been so if you hadn’t been the host.” The Primes might have risked pissing off another host, but not him. After Knox gave him a simple nod, the demon headed for the dais.

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