“Some of the Primes witnessed the little exchange between you and Isla in Manhattan, so they might try to talk to you and ask questions,” warned Tanner. “Just keep moving. Okay?”

She nodded, keeping stride with Tanner as he led them through the restaurant. Some demons were polite and respectful as they greeted her while others were either distant or snarling in outright jealousy – the latter was mostly the females. A few Primes did attempt to begin a conversation with her, but she kept moving just as Tanner had instructed.

Their table was in front of a dais. Like the other tables, it was set up beautifully and elegantly. Raul and his anchor were already there, and they stood with a smile.

“We haven’t officially met,” said the Prime. “I’m Raul. You’re Knox’s anchor.”

She nodded. “I’m Harper.” He then went on to introduce himself to her family, so Harper offered a nod of greeting to the dark-skinned she-demon at his side, who was astonishingly beautiful.

“I’m Tanya,” she told Harper and her family as she lifted her chin; a princess peering down at a bunch of peasants. It wasn’t bitchiness, it was more like Tanya just believed herself to be superior to pretty much everyone.

After helping Harper into her seat, Tanner melted into the shadows near the wall, on guard. A waiter quickly appeared and served them champagne, to Martina’s delight. Glancing around, Harper noticed that Larkin and Keenan were on either side of the room, their perceptive gazes missing nothing. Levi was no doubt with Knox, who currently was nowhere to be seen.

At the rear of the restaurant, a camera was set up directly opposite the dais. It would record the discussions live and allow the demon public to watch them on the TVs scattered around the Underground. One was actually in the dome while others were in the bars, casinos, and restaurants. The footage would also be shown in each and every hotel room.

Feeling eyes on her, Harper turned to find a particular she-demon staring at her with contempt. Isla. She looked amazingly beautiful yet so very, very cold.

Following Harper’s gaze, Jolene leaned into her. “She’s definitely not a happy bunny.” She took a sip of her champagne. “Good.”

Harper’s inner demon agreed that it was, in fact, good; that anything that annoyed the bitch claiming she had rights to Knox was good.


Raul must have noticed Isla’s glare too, because he said, “I didn’t actually witness your dispute with Isla at the conference in New York. What was it about?”

“This and that,” Harper replied.

He grinned. “Given that you’re an imp, I suppose I should have expected an evasive response.”

“This is going to be a lovely dinner,” said Martina, reading the menu. “It’s a shame it will be spoiled with political crap.”

Yeah, their lair wasn’t much into politics. They were like one huge family and that, in Harper’s opinion, was why there were so few issues within their lair.

Knox’s mind stroked hers just as a door near the dais opened. Dressed in a black, tailored designer suit, he walked inside with that innate animal grace that never failed to take her breath away. Levi slipped out behind him and took up a position beside Tanner.

Silence fell across the room as the guests all turned their attention to Knox. Halting in the center of the dais near the stand, he spoke. “For many years now, demon lairs have kept to themselves. The U.S. has had no Monarch or power structure except within our own individual lairs. It has worked well. Yet, as you know, three Primes in this room have proposed a change. They believe it would benefit the U.S. to have a Monarch that oversees the other lairs.

“During the course of this weekend, each of the three Primes will put forth their case, present you with reasons why we should not only have a ruling Prime but elect them as said Monarch. Two weeks from now, the U.S. demon population will be asked to vote whether they are in favor of a change – if they are in favor, they will also be asked to state which candidate they wish to elect.”

His face hardened slightly. “I would like to make it clear that although I have agreed to host this gathering, I am not in favor of the change. I believe that power structures simply don’t work for demons. The extent of power that a Monarch would be given never fails to corrupt and bring chaos. But you each have to make up your own mind on that, and that’s why we’re here today.”

Menace slithered into his voice. “There are rules that must be followed in order for this to be an effective democracy. Firstly, there will be no dueling between Primes, no threats, and no ultimatums. The decision made two weeks from now will be based on votes alone. If you wish to win those votes, you will need to present a civil case. Secondly, there will be no destruction of property – I will take it very personally if someone should violate that.”

Harper gave Martina a meaningful look, who smiled reassuringly.

Knox scanned the room. “Are the rules clear?” There was a chorus of ‘yes.’ He nodded. “Good. The first Prime will put forward their case two hours from now. In the meantime, enjoy your dinner.”

Stepping off the dais, he headed straight for Harper, looking very predatory in that moment. Following the lead of the others at the table, she politely stood to greet him, and his gaze roamed over her in a way that made her feel naked. When he reached her, he brushed his mouth against her cheek – not uncommon behavior between anchors.

“Harper,” Knox rumbled. For the first time that day, his inner demon relaxed. It had obsessed over Harper every minute of every hour, which Knox would have snorted at if he hadn’t been doing the same. It was like her scent, her taste, and the feel of her was all imprinted on his system so that he couldn’t get her out of his head. All I want to do is back you into the wall, flip up that dress, and fuck you so hard you can’t walk.

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