As Jolene and the receptionist went through the check-in rigmarole, Harper noticed Beck discretely stuffing his pockets with complimentary mints. Imps never turned down freebies. Meeting Tanner’s amused gaze, she rolled her eyes. As usual, he was acting as her bodyguard.

Returning to her apartment after work, she’d found Jolene, Martina, and Beck waiting for her. They’d said they wanted to spend some ‘quality family time’ with Harper before the political games began. In truth, they had wanted to update her on their ‘findings’ on Kendra. Translation, they ripped into her life…confirming that Lucian was, in fact, Kendra’s father. Her upbringing hadn’t been great, since her mother was an alcoholic and her stepfather was quite simply a dick. If she fantasied that her life would have been a bed of roses if Lucian had taken responsibility for her, she was wrong there.

Jolene had been pissed to hear about the practitioners attacking Harper. She shared Knox’s suspicion that Isla was most likely behind all the recent problems. When Harper mentioned that Carla was a suspect, she’d expected Jolene to scoff and say that Carla wasn’t intelligent enough to pull off any of it. Instead, Jolene had said, ‘Someone who can hate a tiny little baby is capable of anything.’

Studying the hotel map, Martina excitedly said, “Oh my God, this place has a spa, fitness center, nine swimming pools, eighteen restaurants, a casino, and a shopping mall.”

Harper smiled at her aunt. “I’m glad you like it so much. Hopefully that means you won’t burn anything.”

“It’s certainly very impressive,” allowed Jolene. “Where are you staying, Harper?”

“The same floor as Knox. He has a whole floor to himself and his sentinels.”

“And he wants you to sleep on the same floor for your protection,” said Jolene with a nod. But she wasn’t dumb, she suspected something was going on between Harper and Knox. It was really only a matter of time before she brought it up.

Harper hadn’t seen him since the previous night. He’d had a business meeting that morning with his human colleagues. After that, he’d been busy ensuring everything was in place for the gathering.

“Here you go.” The receptionist handed Jolene several keycards before flashing Harper a shaky smile.

A bellboy appeared. “Can I take your luggage?”


Beck raised a hand. “Not necessary, we can carry them just fine. I don’t see the point in bellboys,” he told Harper as they made their way to the elevator, luggage in hand. “We’ve got arms, we’ve got a map, and why would we want to tip someone for something we can do ourselves? It’s just laziness.”

Harper snorted. “You just don’t want to part with your money.” Beck was one of the stingiest people she’d ever met. Turning to Tanner, she said, “You can take the case up to my room. I’ll need the two store bags; I’m getting ready in Jolene’s suite.” She held out her hand, but he didn’t hand them to her.

Knox is expecting you, Tanner reminded her as they stepped into the elevator.

Yes, she knew Knox intended for them to share the same suite. And I’ll see him soon enough. But I want to spend some time with my family. I don’t see them often.

Tanner’s mouth curved. It’s nice being around someone who doesn’t bow to his every whim.

Only because you like watching his face turn purple.

When they reached her family’s designated suite, it was to find Keenan waiting outside the door, wearing a boyish grin. “Hey, sphinx.”

“Keenan’s going to take over while I go change,” Tanner told Harper, handing her the two store bags, as Keenan introduced himself to her family. “I’ll be waiting out here within the hour. Be ready.”

Harper saluted him before closing the door. As she’d expected, the three-bedroom suite was just as lavish and grand as the rest of the hotel.

“It’s more like an apartment than a hotel room,” Martina said excitedly. She was right.

“I very much doubt we’d have been given such a suite if we weren’t your family, Harper,” said Jolene.

Beck read over the pamphlet they had been given by the receptionist. “The itinerary says that there’s a reception dinner taking place in an hour.”

“Knox said he wanted everybody to be as relaxed as possible before hearing out the first candidate,” explained Harper.

Jolene smiled. “Then let’s get ready.”

Approximately fifty minutes later, Harper entered the living area of the suite to find the others congregated there.

Beck was fidgeting with the top buttons of his shirt. “Don’t you laugh,” he grumbled. For some reason, he never looked right in a suit, but Harper held her hands up in a gesture of peace.

“Sweetheart, you look beautiful,” Martina said to Harper as she fingered her silk dress – it was a gentle blend of cobalt and jade.

“Thanks. Raini picked it out. You look great.” Her aunt was dressed like a sixties pin-up girl with her red and white polka dot dress and matching head scarf.

“Are we ready to go?” asked Jolene, looking as elegant as always in a violet evening suit.

“If Tanner’s here, yeah.” As promised, the hellhound was waiting outside the suite in a dark gray suit. She smiled. “Well, don’t you look dashing.”

He cast her a mock glare before leading them down the elevator and straight to the restaurant, where the reception dinner was taking place. Halting at the entrance, she consulted the seating plan and saw that she would be at the same table as her family, Knox, Raul and his anchor.

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