“No, but we can hold an event for any Prime who wishes to come forward with suggestions for changes. It can be recorded live. Demons unable to attend can still learn the facts. Afterwards, we can put it to a vote.”

Malden frowned. “That wouldn’t be something that could be done in one day.”

“Then we hold a weekend event during which each Prime wishing to be elected as ruler can suggest their proposed changes and present their promises for the future,” said Isla.

Malden nodded. “The voting could be held a short-time later and—”

“Wait, you’re automatically assuming demons will want a Monarch,” interrupted Knox. “That may not be the case. It certainly isn’t the case for me.”

“Knox is right,” said Raul.

Dario proposed, “Then we’ll make it so that when each demon is required to vote, they are asked to state ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to a change, and if they do vote ‘yes’ they then have to state their chosen Monarch.”

Isla smiled. “Sounds fair to me. And if the rest of you truly feel a hierarchical structure will not appeal to the rest of our kind, what harm is it to hold a voting?”

Seeing that there was a very high chance this voting would take place, Knox offered, “I’ll hold the weekend event at one of my hotels in the Underground two weeks from now.”

Harper almost rolled her eyes. It was typical of Knox to attempt to take control of the situation.

“This doesn’t mean I support a change,” Knox added. “I’ve made it quite clear that I don’t, and I will not change my mind on that.”


Isla actually smiled. “Don’t be so cynical, Knox.”

Rising from his seat, Raul shook his head at Isla. “You won’t get what you want.” Then he crossed the room to one of the Primes, dismissing her.

“I had a feeling this would happen.” Jolene stood just as Harper did. “The bitch will have known in advance that the people here won’t want to lose any of their power; she always intended to suggest we include all U.S. demons in the voting.”

“I doubt anyone in our lair will be in favor of it.”

Jolene snickered. “Of course they won’t. My demons are smart. She doesn’t seem to be, though.” She gestured over Harper’s shoulder, and Harper twirled to see Isla walking toward Knox with her guards close behind her. Great.

“I was expecting you to support my proposal, Knox,” Isla admonished gently.

He shrugged, though he didn’t look casual. “I won’t vote for something I don’t believe in.”

“You would go against me on this?”

“I would.”

“Sweetheart, I have to leave,” Jolene said louder than necessary, kissing Harper’s cheek. “We’ll talk again soon. Knox, you take good care of her.”

Isla, having overheard the little exchange, peered at Harper. “And who is this, Knox?”

As he slightly tugged on her wrist, Harper stepped forward. Figuring it was best to get it over with, she said, “Hi, I’m Harper, Knox’s anchor.”

For a few seconds, Isla didn’t respond at all. Then her face hardened, her body tensed as if to spring, and her eyes bled to black. The demon glared at Harper with a promise of pain. Knox, Tanner, and Levi gathered closer to Harper protectively even as Harper’s dark protective power rushed to her hands, ready to deliver some soul-deep pain. Still, her inner demon literally charged to the surface and took control.

Alarm shot through Knox when a chill surrounded him and Harper’s demon rose to the fore. As it looked out at the predator that lived within his anchor, he saw a fierce temper – saw an entity that would protect Harper against absolutely anyone or anything.

“Don’t,” it warned Isla’s demon. “You won’t find me the easy prey you assume me to be.”

“You are nothing,” scoffed the other demon.

Harper’s demon smiled cruelly. “You are not what you pretend to be. I see it. I see what you are.”

His anchor had a real talent for surprising him. Knox had never known anybody to sense that there was more to Isla than what their kind believed. “Isla, seize control before this goes any further.”

She blinked a few times, and then Isla was once again in control. Her glare shot to Knox. “You refuse to see who I am to you. I have been patient. My patience is fast running out.”

“I’m not your anchor, Isla. I never was.”

“You can’t change the truth, Knox, whether you choose to accept it or not.” She cast Harper a scathing glance before striding out of the room.

Knox slipped his hand around Harper’s nape, hoping to soothe her demon. “She’s gone.”

Black eyes honed in on him. “If the bitch attacks me, I will kill her.” It was a warning: the demon knew he had a long history with Isla and it was letting him know that it didn’t give a flying fuck. Then Harper was back, her eyes a swirling ocean-blue that told him her contact lenses had dissolved when her demon surfaced.

“My demon really doesn’t like her,” stated Harper.

“That’s a bit of an understatement,” chuckled Martina. As she kissed Harper and started babbling about her new boyfriend, Knox turned to Tanner and—

If you ever hurt my granddaughter, I will hunt you down. I don’t care who you are or what you can do.

Knox almost laughed. Nothing in Jolene’s expression gave away that she’d just threatened him. She’s the one person I’d never harm.

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