“But it’s not a crime if their authority exceeds mine. And by then, I’d probably be dead, so I’d be unable to go to you for help. That would make me very unhappy.”

Harper’s mouth twitched into a smile.

“Okay, here’s what I don’t understand,” began another Prime. “Why would you care about the fate of small lairs, Isla? They don’t affect you in any way.”

Isla looked affronted. “The suffering of any demon should be the business of all of us.” She suddenly appeared saddened. “There’s also been an issue with the strays in Nevada – many of them have gone missing.” She looked at Knox, daring him to deny it.

Knox narrowed his eyes. “Now just how would you know about that?”

“I know everything that occurs in my country. Never doubt that.” She swept her gaze around the room as she continued. “If strays living in the state of who is potentially the most powerful demon alive are not safe, who is?”

That comment had a lot of people casting nervous glances at each other.

Raul sighed heavily. “All right, let’s put this to a vote. All those who aren’t in favor of a change, raise your hands.”

Almost every demon raised their hands, and Harper noticed that Isla seemed startled to see that Knox was one of them. It was as if Isla had assumed he’d automatically support her, no matter what she did…much like an anchor would.

Raul turned to one of the Primes who hadn’t voted against Isla’s proposal. “Dario, you’re the last person I’d have thought would be happy to answer to someone else.”

Dario shrugged. “I think the idea of a Monarch has merit. I would be interested in such a change. But…I would wish to be the Monarch.” That had Isla scowling at him while whispers circulated the table.


Malden, who also hadn’t voted against Isla, spoke then. “I, too, support a change. But I will not answer to another – not to a ruler, and not to a demon on a ‘level’ higher than mine in any kind of hierarchy. For that reason, I am proposing that I be Monarch.”

Raul looked at Knox curiously. “You’re not interested in electing yourself as Monarch?” It probably did seem odd that someone as powerful as Knox wouldn’t take this chance to get more power.

“I will never bow to another,” said Knox. “But I do not have any desire to rule over every demon within the U.S. I’ll never support any changes. The fact is that power structures do not work for our kind. When such a structure was in place, too many demons were vulnerable. The strongest were plucked from their lairs and forced to join the more powerful ones, making the large lairs stronger while making the small lairs weaker. Only the demons that were considered ‘upper class’ had any real say in their own lives, and the small lairs became nothing but packs of servants. It’s been proven time and time again that that kind of power corrupts – there would be chaos, not peace among us.” Many nodded their agreement.

Raul shrugged at Isla. “Only two other Primes are in favor of your proposal, which means you’ve been overruled, Isla.”

“No, I haven’t,” she insisted, appearing oddly pleased with herself. “The U.S. as a whole hasn’t been given a chance to vote.”

Raul pinched the bridge of his nose. “What are you saying?”

“I don’t think this matter should be decided by Primes. Demons who hold no power shouldn’t be overlooked. The decision should be as much theirs as it is ours. Here we are, speaking for our lairs and families. But is it fair?” She looked around the room as she continued. “There you sit with your family or anchors, but they’re given no say. Does it occur to you that they may feel differently? I suppose Knox’s demons will feel whatever he feels, since no one will go against him,” she chuckled. “But dismissing me now will not silence me. I feel too strongly about this.”

“As do I,” said Dario. Malden nodded. Apparently the idea of having ultimate power over the other Primes was attractive enough to make them fight the decision.

Raul looked like he wanted to bang his head on the table. “There are twenty-two Primes in this room. We have all humored you by having the vote. We don’t want another one, we—”

“When the rest of our kind learn that their right to vote on something so serious was dismissed, they will not like it,” said Isla. “Naturally most Primes don’t want to lose any of the power they hold. But the rest of our kind have little to no power, and they are the ones that will be affected most by the changes. Is it not fair that they have their say? How do you think your families, friends, sentinels, and Force members will feel when they learn you didn’t give them a chance?”

Knox raised a brow. “Are you threatening us?” Because it sure sounded like Isla intended to spread the word of what had happened to incite other demons.

“Of course not. I’m merely pointing out that many demons already heard of the changes I requested, and many know this meeting is being held. If they learn that their votes were discounted when three Primes here spoke up on their behalf, they won’t like it.”

Irritatingly, Isla was right. Demons, especially sentinels and Force members, would be angry that they weren’t considered important enough to have a say – despite that they served their Prime.

“The problem is I don’t see how we can involve other demons in this decision,” Dario said to Isla. “There’s no way we can hold an event for every American demon to attend.”

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