(Pardon my French of a minute.) “Grandma what the hell is going on! How did you do that?!” I ask. “Dear, you are about to learn about your past, and about your family legacy. I never wanted you to be apart of this. Because once you start, you become an addict. But whatever is going to happen, you need to know; what is going on. Now sit there.” She says pointing to the Pentagon that I didn’t know that was there until now. I walk to the direct middle of it and pop a squat. (Hee-hee!)

Aunt Christi and Grandma both stand on opposite sides of me. They reach their arms out in front of them; making it look like they are reaching for me. They both close their eyes and start chanting something. And to be honest, it scares me.

“Guys, stop,” I say. The candles are flickering on and off. Winds are coming in and out of me. I don’t know what’s going on. They are still muttering things when I start to feel a small burn. I look all over myself to see if I am on fire. But I’m not.

The burning starts to increases. My body is in complete pain. Not only burning, but it feels as if someone is pushing everything in my body out from the inside. It hurts so bad that I can I only scream.

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