“Ohhhhh!” she cried out in surprise. She closed her eyes, overtaken by the sensation of how he filled her so completely. Her channel stretched to accommodate him, and all her nerve endings tingled pleasantly.

“Too much?” he mumbled.

She opened her eyes and looked at him. He was clenching his jaw, and the cords in his neck protruded, pulsing under the strain, a golden rim around his irises from the light reflecting off the wall.

“It’s perfect,” she managed to say. “You’re perfect.”

As if he’d been waiting for her approval, he pulled back his hips, letting his cock slide from her so only the bulbous head was still submerged, before plunging back into her. His powerful thrust robbed her of the air to breathe. She sucked in some oxygen. “Yes! Oh, Blake, yes. Just like that.”

Why she’d suddenly turned into a woman who liked to be fucked hard and fast against a wall, she had no idea. But as Blake was taking her like this, thrusting into her with powerful moves, she couldn’t imagine ever wanting anything else. She’d never in her life felt so desired.

“Baby,” he ground out against her lips, while he plunged so deep she thought he was touching her womb. “You feel so good.”

He took her lips as if wanting to eat her alive. His tongue dipped between her parted lips, exploring her, taking possession of her, making her submit to his wishes.

She surrendered willingly, opening up her body to him, giving him what he wanted. And she took what she needed, too. She soaked up all he was willing to give her. The spark that had ignited between them the night before was now burning like a wildfire. Out of control. Hot. Untamed. She’d never felt anything like it before. Never known what making love could be like. How every cell in her body could hum with pleasure.

Blake released her lips, looking at her, as if to reassure himself that she was fine.

He was panting heavily, but he wasn’t slowing down. His body was glistening with perspiration now, and his muscles were flexing with every move he made.


“So close,” he murmured.

He dipped his face to the crook of her neck and kissed her there. She shivered at the contact and tilted her head to allow him better access. “Yes.”

Blake’s moan went through her like a shudder, while his lips caressed the sensitive skin of her neck. He trailed open-mouthed kisses along her heated flesh, simultaneously soothing and igniting her again. Then she felt his teeth rub against her skin, and a corresponding shudder go through Blake’s body.

“Fuck!” he cried out and delivered several more thrusts, his pelvic bone hitting her clit, just as she felt the warm spray of his semen fill her.

Her climax followed his within a second, and she felt herself relax against the wall, Blake still holding her up. For several seconds, all she could do was catch her breath. He didn’t seem to be faring much better.

Slowly he lifted his head and leaned his forehead against hers, exhaling. “This was much more than I’d ever expected.” He pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. “You’re amazing, Lilo. Truly amazing.”

She had to smile. He thought she was amazing? She hadn’t done anything. He was the one who’d turned this into an out-of-this-world experience.

She ran her hand through his hair. “Blake, I’ve never felt anything this good. You are—”

He chuckled. “I wasn’t fishing for compliments.” He pinned her with his eyes, the blue in them more vibrant than ever. “And I truly hope that this isn’t the last time you let me make love to you.”

His comment seemed a little out of place, considering he was the most confident man she’d ever met—even more confident than her cocky fictional character, Morgan West.

“Seconds, remember?” she teased.

“Yeah, seconds.” He slid his lips over hers, and kissed her. This time, his kiss was slow and gentle. The tenderness with which he worshipped her mouth was unexpected, but she soaked it up, just as she’d gobbled up his passion earlier.

An eternity seemed to pass before he finally withdrew his cock from her and set her back on her feet.

“How about I get the shower running?” he asked.

“I’d like that.”

He released her from his arms and crossed the room toward the en-suite bathroom. “It’s an old house. The hot water takes a couple of minutes.”

She watched him disappear in the bathroom, admiring his muscular physique. Few men looked great both in clothes and out of them. Blake was one of them.

Still in a state of bliss, she peeled herself away from the wall and slowly crossed the room, when her gaze fell onto the nightstand. There, on the middle shelf, lay a book. She smiled to herself. It was a Morgan West bounty hunter novel, one of her books. If only Blake knew that she was the author who’d penned the novel he was currently reading. Perhaps she should tell him. They would both get a chuckle out of it.

“Water is getting warmer,” Blake called from the bathroom.

She turned and continued walking, but with her next step, her foot landed on something sharp, and she involuntarily cried out, “Ouch!”

She lifted her foot and saw what she’d stepped on. She froze, then slowly bent down. Was this what she thought it was? No, it couldn’t be. But there was no doubt. A pink H scribbled on the small shiny item fairly stared her in the face.

“Are you coming, Lilo?”

She collected the item that lay next to Blake’s pants. Had it fallen out of his pocket when she’d tossed them on the floor while undressing him? Lilo rose, turning toward the bathroom, where Blake now appeared in the doorframe.

“What is this?” She held up the USB stick, the same one she’d given to Officer Donnelly. “Why do you have this? What’s going on?”

Blake stared at the memory stick in her hand, his eyes wide. “I’m sorry. I was gonna tell you.”

“Tell me what?” In her own ears, her voice suddenly sounded shrill. He’d lied to her.

“The truth.”


Blake had grabbed his clothes and gone downstairs to let Lilo get dressed in private.

Now he was pacing in front of the fireplace in the living room, guilt blasting through him. He’d screwed up. Major. Why on earth had he not told her everything the moment Ryder had left with the hybrids? He knew exactly why: because his dick had done the thinking for him.

“Fuck!” He slammed his fist against the mantle.

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