Did he lavish every woman with such tender passion? For some selfish reason, she wanted to believe that she was the only one he touched, made love to this way. She’d never met a man like him. Not even Morgan West was like this: a selfless lover with boundless energy and skill. She couldn’t invent a man like Blake if she tried. Nobody would believe her. But Blake was real.

Already he was coaxing her toward another orgasm, but she knew she needed more this time. She wanted to experience this high with him inside her. It was the only way to truly share how he made her feel.

Lilo put her hands on his face and lifted it up.

He looked at her, surprised. “You don’t like it?”

“I love it,” she hastened to assure him. “But I want you inside me. I want to feel you.”

He lifted himself up to sit. “You sure you want that?”

She sat up and nodded, then reached for the buttons of his shirt, undoing the first one, then the second, until she could brush it over his shoulders and rid him of it.

There was only a mild dusting of dark hair on his chest, a chest that attested to his fit state. He was muscular and well-toned, his skin a beautiful bronze tone. Fascinated by so much male perfection, she ran her hand over the hard ridges of his chest and abdomen and felt him inhale. His skin was smooth and soft. Beneath it, his muscles flexed. She loved the way he reacted to her touch, sitting entirely still while his heart thundered under her palm.


She lifted her lids, tearing her eyes away from his naked chest. “Yes?”

“Undress me.”


She smiled at the request. Blake turned to the side, kicking his shoes off so they fell down next to the bed, before lying down on his back.

Without hesitation she bent over him. Her eyes fell on the bulge that had formed beneath his pants. An involuntary gasp escaped her before she could stop herself.

A chuckle came from Blake, making her meet his gaze. “I’m not sure whether to apologize or thank you for the compliment,” he said with a smirk. His hand came up and he stroked his knuckles over her cheek. “Don’t worry, I’ll be very gentle.”

She felt her cheeks flush with heat. “I know that.” Just like he’d been gentle when he’d touched her. Though maybe she didn’t want gentle. Maybe she wanted something more.

Boldly, she opened the button of Blake’s pants and lowered the zipper. She gripped the waistband and pulled, while Blake lifted himself up so she could free him of his clothing. She threw his pants onto the floor in the middle of the room, before helping him with his socks. When she looked back at him, he lay there in only his boxer briefs. The fabric stretched tightly over his groin. Slowly she pulled it down completely. Only now was the true size of his erection evident. Her chin dropped, and involuntarily she licked her lips. He was the most amazing specimen of aroused male she’d ever seen.

A groan bounced off the walls of the bedroom. “Fuck, Lilo, don’t do that, you’re gonna make me come before I’m even inside you.”

“Do what?”

“Look at me like you want to devour me.”

“I’m not…”

Blake sat up and put his hand on her nape, pulling her face to him. “You are. And ordinarily I’d love for you to look at me like that. But when you lick your lips like that, my mind imagines all kinds of things… and all kinds of ways I want to take you.”

“And that’s a bad thing?” she teased, feeling her confidence grow at the knowledge that Blake desired her.

“Yeah, very bad. Because it means that I won’t be able to make love to you for nearly as long as I want to.”

“Ever heard of seconds?”

He laughed out loud. “Thank God for that!” Then he captured her lips and shifted to press her back into the sheets and roll over her.

Her legs fell open, making space for him. His hard cock nudged against her center, sending a spike of adrenaline through her core at the contact of skin on skin. Flames seemed to ignite inside her.

Blake tilted his pelvis and adjusted his erection.

Lilo ripped her mouth from his. “Condom,” she panted. In the heat of the moment, she’d almost forgotten about it.

He froze in mid-movement, pulling back a few inches. He expelled a breath, before moving his head from side to side. “I’m sorry. I don’t have any.” He hesitated, then pulled back farther. “I don’t… I’m healthy. The company… they test us regularly.”

She tried to make sense of his explanation. He was talking about STDs. But that wasn’t her only worry. “I’m not on the pill.” There hadn’t been any need. She hadn’t been with a man in a long time.

He seemed to relax a little. “If you’re worried about a pregnancy, don’t be. I’m sterile.”


He shrugged. “Happens to the best of us.”

“Oh.” Was it true? She hesitated, letting the words sink in.

Blake sat back on his heels. “Maybe this was a bad idea.” He reached for the duvet, pulling it halfway over her. “I don’t even have condoms in the house. What was I thinking? Of course you don’t wanna sleep with me without proper protection. You don’t know me.” He ran his hand through his hair. “You have no reason to believe a single word I’m saying.”

He jumped up from the bed. “I’ll let you get dressed.”

She watched him turn, giving her a view of his toned butt. “Blake!” She got out of bed and reached for his arm, her decision suddenly clear.

He turned, giving her a regretful smile.

“If you say you’re healthy and you can’t get me pregnant, I believe you.” She drew him closer to her. “Make love to me. Let me feel you.”

“Are you sure?”

There was a wild glint in his eyes, and it sparked something primal in her.

“Yes. Any way you want to.” She’d never given any man carte blanche, but Blake made her want to do anything and everything.

In the next instant, Blake lifted her off her feet, and a few seconds later she found herself with her back against the wall, her legs spread, suspended in the air, only held up by Blake’s strong hands. But she had no time to marvel at his strength, because he was lowering her onto his cock, seating himself deep inside her with one continuous thrust.

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