What seemed to be a streak of pink through the room was in reality Zoie

bolting for the bed.

While Zoie hastened to snuggle comfortably under the covers, Aggie tried

without avail to get Jimmy started on his errand.

Getting no response from Aggie, Alfred, bearing one infant in his arms,

came in search of her. Apparently he was having difficulty with the

unfastening of baby's collar.

"Aggie," he called sharply, "how on earth do you get this fool pin out?"

"Take him back, Alfred," answered Aggie impatiently; "I'll be there in a



But Alfred had apparently made up his mind that he was not a success as

a nurse.

"You'd better take him now, Aggie," he decided, as he offered the small

person to the reluctant Aggie. "I'll stay here and talk to Jimmy."

"Oh, but Jimmy was just going out," answered Aggie; then she turned to

her obdurate spouse with mock sweetness, "Weren't you, dear?" she asked.

"Yes," affirmed Zoie, with a threatening glance toward Jimmy. "He was

going, just now."

Still Jimmy remained rooted to the spot.

"Out?" questioned Alfred. "What for?"

"Just for a little air," explained Aggie blandly.

"Yes," growled Jimmy, "another little heir."

"Air?" repeated Alfred in surprise. "He had air a while ago with my

son. He is going to stay here and tell me the news. Sit down, Jimmy,"

he commanded, and to the intense annoyance of Aggie and Zoie, Jimmy sank

resignedly on the couch.

Alfred was about to seat himself beside his friend, when the 'phone rang

violently. Being nearest to the instrument, Alfred reached it first and

Zoie and Aggie awaited the consequences in dread. What they heard did

not reassure them nor Jimmy.

"Still down there?" exclaimed Alfred into the 'phone.

Jimmy began to wriggle with a vague uneasiness.

"Well," continued Alfred at the 'phone, "that woman has the wrong

number." Then with a peremptory "Wait a minute," he turned to Zoie, "The

hall boy says that woman who called a while ago is still down stairs and

she won't go away until she has seen you, Zoie. She has some kind of an

idiotic idea that you know where her baby is."

"How absurd," sneered Zoie.

"How silly," added Aggie.

"How foolish," grunted Jimmy.

"Well," decided Alfred, "I'd better go down stairs and see what's

the matter with her," and he turned toward the door to carry out his


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