"Will she let us HAVE the other?" asked Aggie with some misgiving.

"Of course she will," answered Zoie, leaving Jimmy entirely out of

the conversation. "She's as poor as a church mouse. I'll pay her well.

She'll never miss it. What could she do with one twin, anyway?"

A snort of rage from Jimmy did not disturb Zoie's enthusiasm. She

proceeded to elaborate her plan.

"I'll adopt them," she declared, "I'll leave them all Alfred's money.

Think of Alfred having real live twins for keeps."

"It would be nice, wouldn't it?" commented Jimmy sarcastically.

Zoie turned to Jimmy, as though they were on the best of terms.


"How much money have you?" she asked.

Before Jimmy could declare himself penniless, Aggie answered for him

with the greatest enthusiasm, "He has a whole lot; he drew some today."

"Good!" exclaimed Zoie to the abashed Jimmy, and then she continued in a

matter-of-fact tone, "Now, Jimmy," she said, "you go give the washwoman

what money you have on account, then tell her to come around here in the

morning when Alfred has gone out and I'll settle all the details with

her. Go on now, Jimmy," she continued, "you don't need another letter."

"No," chimed in Aggie sweetly; "you know her now, dear."

"Oh, yes," corroborated Jimmy, with a sarcastic smile and without

budging from the spot on which he stood, "we are great pals now."

"What's the matter?" asked Zoie, astonished that Jimmy was not starting

on his mission with alacrity. "What are you waiting for?"

Jimmy merely continued to smile enigmatically.

"You know what happened the last time you hesitated," warned Aggie.

"I know what happened when I DIDN'T hesitate," ruminated Jimmy, still

holding his ground.

Zoie's eyes were wide with surprise. "You don't mean to say," she

exclaimed incredulously, "that you aren't GOING--after we have thought

all this out just to SAVE you?"

"Say," answered Jimmy, with a confidential air, "do me a favour, will

you? Stop thinking out things to 'save me.'"

"But, Jimmy----" protested both women simultaneously; but before they

could get further Alfred's distressed voice reached them from the next


"Aggie!" he called frantically.

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