These Representations made a strong Impression upon the young Favourite, whom the Eloquence of her own Heart had already half convinced. She still stood upon some Punctilio's; but when Kelirieu, which was his last Resource, intimated to her the Danger which might accrue to her Husband from her Obstinacy, this drew from her an absolute Consent. This last Circumstance was certainly the best adapted to fix her; for the new Kismare, like all the rest of his Fraternity, was making the most of his Time in the Management of the Finances, and relying on his Spouse's Favour, he was above taking proper Precautions to conceal or palliate his Imbezzlements. Kelirieu took Care to fill Vorompdap with Apprehensions, that Zeokinizul would infallibly call him to an Account, the most favourable Consequence whereof, would be a Confiscation of all his Substance. It was then high Time to come to a Resolution. Thus Kelirieu happily completed his Negotiation. And having appointed the Time and Place for the first Interview, he hastened, flushed with Joy, to congratulate his Master on this Victory, which was the more delightful, as it had been attended with such a Train of Difficulties.

In the mean Time this new Intrigue, no more than the former, could not diminish Zeokinizul's strict Attention to the several Exigencies of the State. His wise Orders had been so exactly executed throughout his Empire, that his Armies were fit for Action even before the Spring. He headed in Person the most considerable, which was destined for the Conquest of the Bapasis, being still commanded by the brave Vameric, whose prudent Conduct towards the End of the last Campaign had been admired by his very Enemies. The Favourite followed the King as Lenertoula had done, whom she certainly equalled both in Love and Honour. The Campaign was opened with the Siege of a Town which the great Zeokitarezul had fortified at a prodigious Expence, which, besides a strong regular Wall and Outworks, had a Citadel which was accounted by the Connoisseurs, a Master-piece of Fortification. It must have been even an unsurmountable Barrier to the Kofirans, in case they reduced the City. With this View their Attacks were carried on with all imaginary Vigour. On the other Hand, this Place being as it were the Key of the Country, the Keeping of it was of such Importance to the Enemies of Zeokinizul, that they resolv'd to hazard every Thing in order to its Relief. The King of Alniob, the Provinces Junet, and the Queen of Ghinoer, Sovereign of the Bapasis, joined all their Forces, of which the chief Command was conferr'd on the Kam of Lundamberk, youngest Son to the King of Alniob, a Prince of a martial Disposition, and of the greatest Bravery.

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