Believe me, charming Vorompdap, our Imans have adapted our Religion to their own Views and Passions, without Regard to that genuine and perfect Model, the Will of God. The Vow of Celibacy, upon which they value themselves, as renouncing Marriage, would be an insupportable Yoke to them, it would be soon shaken of, were it not for their Hopes, which indeed are too often verified, of taking Advantage of the Misunderstandings betwixt the Husband and Wife, whose Bands they are taught to believe indissoluble. It is on this Account, that they are constantly magnifying Conjugal Duties, and lay so much Stress on their punctual Observation. Consider only what is done in other Nations, no less wise and religious than ourselves. Divorces among them are permitted, as frequently essential to the well being of Society. That sacred Book the Liegnelau, cannot be supposed to contradict and overthrow the Bileb, of which it is in a great Measure the Accomplishment, and Suesi whom you worship, being the Messenger of the great God, would not offer to abrogate his Institutions. Thus the Point is clear, and now look upon yourself as a Woman who is about forming a second Contract, being legally, religiously, and honourably discharged from the former. Zeokinizul is equally at Liberty, for the State and Temper of the Queen invalidate their Marriage. So, that only a few Formalities are wanting for your Union with the King, and you know, Formalities among the more understanding Part of the World, are often dispensed with, as tiresome rather than necessary. The Consent of both Parties has always been the only Point insisted on as essential.

These Proofs, which in the Mouth of a Mollak, would have been laugh'd at, produced the designed Effect from Kelirieu. The young Kismare was shaken, but not overthrown by them; she still insisted against plunging herself into such shocking Scandal. This seemed a very slender Objection to Kelirieu, who immediately replyed to it. Consider, says he, the Kams of Meani and Tesoulou, do they bear any Marks of their Mother's Scandal? Was a great Monarch's Love accounted a Disgrace to a beautiful Lady? If you was acquainted with the first Ages of our Monarchy, you would be satisfied, that they never made any Difference between the Children of Love, and those born in lawful Marriage, as the Imans are pleased to call it. A King at your Feet, Courtiers waiting respectfully on your Orders, a Nation's Treasure at your Disposal, can there be Contempt and Scandal amid such Advantages? Do not alarm your Mind with Monsters of your own forming, only for the Sake of opposing them. Consent to make Zeokinizul happy, and I will lay him at your Feet, more deeply in Love than ever.

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