It is past all Doubt, that the Heart of Zeokinizul, which longed for an Object, would have received the Impression with Transport. He went to one of the Ends of the Saloon, where Women of an ordinary Rank were seated in a Kind of Amphitheatre. Their Dress was in nothing inferior to those of a higher Rank; and besides, they had those fresh healthful Countenances, which being the Result of Temperance, and a plain Way of living, was not to be found among the Quality. Zeokinizul stood viewing them, but his Hour was come. Love waited for him under a Mask, and she who wore it was now going to let this mischievous Deity fly into Zeokinizul's Heart. She was a young Woman, of a brown Complexion, lately married to a freedman, who having deserv'd his Master's Favour by nocturnal Services, had, together with his Liberty, obtained a Post among those who robb'd the Prince, and plunder'd the People. They are called Omeriserufs, or Rogues of the second Class. She, whom Love had already appointed for Favourite, under Pretence of pulling something out of her Pocket, dropt her Handkerchief, and as it is said, purposely. Zeokinizul hastily took it up; and, as he could not reach her Seat, he toss'd it to her in the most polite Manner. A confused Murmur immediately spread thro' the Saloon, with these Words, The Handkerchief is thrown. The King was too much taken up with viewing the Person to whom he had been so complaisant, to take any Notice of such Whisperings. The Charms she display'd in taking off her Mask, and her genteel Manner of her thanking him for the Honour, fill'd him with such passionate Love, that he even there gave her some Intimations how much he was taken with her Beauty. After this Declaration, he soon left the Ball, for having received such a Wound, he wanted to be in private with his Confident, in order to consult about his new Love. Kelirieu had already prevented his Master's Orders, for as he narrowly watched him, he perceived which of the Company had captivated him, and immediately informed himself of her Rank and Condition.

Zeokinizul was transported with Joy at Kelirieu's Report of his Enquiries. He made himself sure, that the Husband of this young Person, being one of those Set of Men, who Mind nothing but Riches, would not only resign his conjugal Rights, but would even be brought to sollicit his Spouse to resign herself up to the King's Embraces, and herein he was not mistaken. But the Difficulty was to induce the Seller's Wife to be a Party in such a scandalous Contract; for tho' she was of low Extraction, she had an Elevation of Mind, a Purity of Virtue, which would have done Honour to the highest. She could not indeed help being inwardly pleased that she had tried her Charms with such Success upon her Sovereign, and the dazzling Idea of beholding Zeokinizul laying at her Feet, all his Greatness and Power, her Husband made a Bassa of the second Rank, her Name exchanged for one of the most illustrious, were Circumstances which the natural Desires in Women of shining even in the smallest Matters, would not allow her to be insensible; yet this Sensibility did not greatly hasten the Lover's Happiness; for, as her Duty united her to a Husband, from whom her Inclinations alienated her, she was for distinguishing herself from all that had gone before her, and reducing the Monarch to go through the entire Play of Love.

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