The City of Kofir distinguished itself above all others in the Kingdom; for as it has not its equal for Largeness and Riches, so it surpassed them all in the Eclat of its Zeal and Affection for the Royal Family. In twelve of the most remarkable Parts of the City, there were large and superb Saloons, where all without Distinction, were admitted to dance. There was a Profusion of Refreshments of all Kinds. The best Musicians had Orders to attend. The Sound of such an infinite Number of Instruments, accompanied with harmonious Voices, added to the Murmurs of the Fountains of Wine which were playing every where, inspired such a rapturous Gaiety to numberless Crouds of People, that no Stranger, however, acquainted with the Affairs of this Kingdom, could, at that Time of excessive Mirth, have imagined, that it had for many Years been involved in a bloody and expensive War.

This Season of universal Joy, Love chose to captivate again Zeokinizul, after such an Interval of boasted Liberty. The chief Inhabitants of Kofir, who are a distinct Body from the Nobility, the Magistracy, and the Citizens, had decorated in the most superb Manner the Sessions House for a Ball, to which they invited the King and royal Pair. Every one was admitted in their Mask Habits, to give the Citizens an Opportunity of shewing their Wives the Magnificence, Gallantries, and Diversions of the Court, which at other Times is out of their Power. Accordingly Zeokinizul, attended by all his Courtiers, came to this Ball, in Habits as strange as they were elegant. The Sight of such a beautiful Assembly, struck him with a delightful Surprise. Here was no painted Allurements, no artificial Charms, such as he was daily conversant with in his Palace. All here was pure Nature, which seem'd to have chosen this Day to present him with a Sight of her most beautiful Productions. The Beauty, the Air, the Motion, and Youth of these lovely Objects was so enchanting, that they looked like the heavenly Houris. Zeokinizul was enchanted at the Sight of such a brilliant Assembly, his Eyes wandered from Beauty to Beauty, till they seemed at once to fix on a young Lady of a distinguished Appearance. She was in the Habit of an Amazon, with her Bow and Quiver hanging at her Shoulders. Her flaxen Hair, which shone with Diamonds, floated in Ringlets, and her charming Breast half naked, ravish'd the Sight. "Lovely Huntress," said the Monarch, "unhappy those whom your Arrows pierce, their Wounds are Mortal."---- This Speech gave the Charmer a fair Field for returning such an Answer as might inflame Zeokinizul; but whether she did not dream of such a Conquest, or Presence of Mind failed her, she ran and hid herself among the Maskers. This Disappointment was in some Measure relieved by a Company of twenty young Persons, who began a Dance, which was much in Vogue at that Time, but first invented in the King of Alniob's Country. They perform'd it so gracefully, that he stood like a Man deprived of his Senses. The Charms of each of these beautiful Dancers, threw him into his first Hesitation, which would soon have been ended, had any one of them uncovered her Face.

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