Patience is the art of hoping.

-Luc de Clapiers

Richilo Bay, North York, 5:34p.m

"365 Richilo Bay, North York. This is it. We're here." Denella said.

Raphael and Denella had been driving for six and a half hours now and they were exhausted. They just wanted to sleep.

"This place is some sort of campground." Raphael stated.

There were quads and dorms, and it was a really big campground. There was an area for canoeing, fishing and they even had a beach there. It was more of an outdoor kind of place. There were a lot of trees and grass, but it was quiet and peaceful.

"I think that's the main building over there, let's check it out." Denella said as Raphael parked the car.

They got out and went inside. There were couches all over. There was a desk at the side. Raphael and Denella went over to check if anyone was there, but they couldn't find anyone. Denella decided to ring the bell. A few seconds later, an older woman emerged from the darkness inside the room behind the desk. Her face was wrinkled, and her hair was grey and white. Her teeth were yellow and old. She forced a smile.


"Jenny? Jennifer Wilcox? Is that really you?" There was a hint of a British accent in her voice. She put on her glasses so she could see better. "Oh, sorry dear. Without my spectacles, I can hardly tell if it's day or night."

"It's fine. Who's Jennifer Wilcox?" Denella questioned.

"Oh, she's just another woman who used to stay here. She owned one of the trailers." The woman said.

"Do you have a picture of her?"

"Yes, I think I might."

"Do you mind if I take a look?"

"Sure, sweetheart. Let me just grab it from the back." The old women said as she scurried through the door and disappeared back within the darkness.

Raphael stepped beside Denella. "What exactly are you trying to do?"

"If I saw a picture of Jennifer, then I could see if the she's the woman in my dreams. It's possible, isn't it . . . ?"

Raphael could tell that Denella was already starting to lose hope, even though they had just started looking for her mother. The old woman came back to the front desk with a picture in her hands. It was a picture of all of the members who stayed on the campground dated back to two years ago. She held out the picture so both, Denella and Raphael, could see it.

"That's her right there." The woman pointed out. "Oh, Jenny was such a sweet girl. She was like a daughter to me."

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