"No, no. It's not your fault. Don't worry about it. I love cameras, anyways." she said as they both laughed. "But I need to talk to you about something. Do you have time now?"

"Yeah, we're not busy anyways. What is it?"

"I did what you said. I looked into my files to see if there was anything about that woman I've been having dreams and visions about. Well, I got someone to do it. One of the agents at R.O.S.S., Cynthia. She told me that my mom, Natasha Oakley, isn't really . . . my mom. And Josh Oakley, my dad, turns out he's not my dad either. They're not my real parents. I'm adopted." She said as her eyes filled with tears. "I called my mom when I reached here and she said she did it to protect me. She was the one who told me lying is tearing our family apart, and she was right, it is. Cynthia said that she did some research about my parents and she found my real dad, but he's dead. I looked up my mom, Carrie Larkwood, and nothing showed up. It's like she doesn't even exist!"

"I'm sure she's out there somewhere, and it's possible that she changed her name."

"Maybe. But how am I supposed to find her? The only thing that came up when I searched her up was this address." Denella showed Raphael the address on her phone.

"Richilo Bay? That's up north." Raphael stated.

"Yeah, but what does this mean?"

"This means Richilo Bay is where we are going to start our search for your mother."

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