"Thank you for telling us that." Raphael said.

"No, thank you for stopping by. Feel free to come here anytime you want. After all, who's stopping you?" He laughed and, again, he started to cough. "I think I should have some rest now." He smiled. He looked like he was in his own little world.

"We'll see you later." Raphael said as he and Denella walked to the door."

Denella waved goodbye. "Hope you feel better."

"She's a keeper." Henry whispered in a small voice so only Raphael could hear.

Denella and Raphael walked together to the elevators, but Denella suddenly came to a stop when she passed by one of the rooms; room 217. There was a loud beeping sound. There was a doctor there and a three nurses in the room.

The doctor was using defibrillators to help restart the person's heart. "One, two, three." He said as he shocked her heart. "One, two, three." He did it again, but it the person still wouldn't move. "One, two, three." He said for the last and final time. "Time of death, 4:43p.m."

Denella's eyes flooded with tears. She stared at the pale body of a young girl who looked about ten or eleven. Her hair was blond and tangled. Her eyes were a light shade of blue and her lips were dried and cracked. It was the sweet and gentle Sophie Maxwell.

Duncan's Ice cream, Belle City, 5:43p.m


"Two medium chocolate sundaes." The cashier called out from behind the counter as Raphael and Denella picked up their sundaes and headed out the door.

They got into Raphael's blue convertible Mustang and drove to a nearby park a few blocks down. They parked at the bottom of a hill that they climbed and sat there shaded by the big tree above them. The air whistled softly in their ears as the chirping birds flew by. There were a few clouds in the sky, but it was still bright and sunny. Soon, the sun tried to hide behind the clouds, but peeked out again as the clouds floated away.

Raphael swallowed some of the ice cream from his sundae, then said, "What happened in the hospital, when you saw that girl?"

"I met her earlier. Her name was Sophie. She was born with this condition. She didn't deserve to die. She seemed like such a sweet girl." Denella took a deep breath, and then said what was on her mind. "I've been having these visions, but they're not exactly visions; they're more like memories. It's me as a baby, but I'm not with my parents. I'm with these two other people. And the weirdest part about it is that the people actually look a lot like me." She explained.

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