"The art of being wise is knowing what to overlook."

-William James

Belle City General Hospital, Belle City, 3:27p.m

Raphael parked his car and he and Denella got out. He locked the car with his remote. They two of them rushed into the hospital and took the elevator up to the second floor. Once it opened, they wandered through the halls looking for room 211. When they found it, a familiar face was staring at them from the scratchy, uncomfortable hospital bed. Henry smiled at Raphael as they came in. Then he looked in Denella's direction.

"Denella, this Henry Gargani." Raphael introduced, knowing that Denella had known who he was, but not in person. "This is Denella Oakley. She works for R.O.S.S. Headquarters."

"Oh, so this is the famous Denella that you're always talking about." Henry said giggling. He noticed how both, Denella and Raphael had reacted when he said that. Raphael turned away to try to hide the fact that he was blushing and Denella smiled and looked to the ground, her cheeks also a rosy shade of pink. "It's nice to finally meet the girl that is so utterly important to Raphael." He stretched out to shake Denella's hand.

"You okay?" Raphael asked Henry.

"Well, I fractured one of my ribs and I have to stay in the hospital for about six weeks until it heals, but I'm doing great. Thanks for asking." He tried to laugh, but as soon as he did, he coughed. His coughs were so raspy, they resembled the sound of a saw cutting into wood.

"What happened in there when you went to look for the bomb?" Denella questioned.


"I can hardly remember. But, from what I can remember, I went in the supermarket. Everything looked fine, so I went downstairs to check the basement. There was someone else behind me but I'm not too sure who it was." He closed his eyes as if he was trying to picture what happened in his mind. "It was dark; really dark. I tried to get my phone out so I could turn on the flashlight, but I dropped it. I bent down to pick it up, and all of a sudden, someone came out of nowhere and pushed me. I fell and I hit my head. I struggled to get up, but the person pushed me back down. I could barely see. I tried to see who it was, but between my blurred vision and the fact that the person's black hood was on, I couldn't."

"What happened after that?" Raphael inquired.

"I felt so dizzy and I couldn't move. Then, I passed out. I can't remember anything after that. I just woke up and here I was."

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