I guess I was being over romantic. Maybe it's a sign of entering teenage. Anyway, today was full of fun. Our classes are going to end soon and a new session is going to begin. Exams coming soon after this weekend. I may part ways with Eric and the girls from now on. But thanks to them this year was full of ups and downs. I wish I could've spent more time with them. But we shared some of the amazing moments during our short time of unexpected friendship. I'm thinking of making new friends and start a better future ahead in my upcoming years.


After I came back home, I couldn't recognize whether that was the same home I lived or was it a Hotel. There were lights everywhere. Jingle bell was playing somewhere inside. Mother and father had brought a huge Christmas tree and it was covered with some magnificent blue, green and red lights. Though I had celebrated the same festival every year, each year it feels a different. Gracy was helping mom in the preparation and father was busy in lighting bulbs everywhere. But me, I was the laziest guy in the whole family. I just love to see and enjoy the things. I came from the gathering and I was pretty tired of walking. So, I just grabbed some foods and few candies and went to my room. My room was just the same always except when there is festival around. As I moved closer to the window, I could hear many things, from vehicles honking to playing songs and blue and red lights everywhere. It was the best time of the year. The city never looked so beautiful before especially in during evening and nights. Well, then I had no choice than just look outside and feel the moment.

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