Having time away from his inquisitions, constant disagreements and demands was what she wanted - she was concerned with so how many times she would have to tell him to back off and leave her alone. With her nerves frayed from many sleepless nights and Thomas practically stalking her, she stared out the window blankly as the raindrops lingered and she just wished for peace of mind.

I just can't do this anymore...

"E 48th, lady!" The hurried taxi driver announced as he waited impatiently for the fare. She paid, exited quickly, heard the cheerful salsa play on her cell phone again and then she glanced at the number displayed. Enough, she insisted silently to herself as she raised her eyes in frustration.It was Thomas again!

Standing on the sidewalk under her umbrella, Aliziana looked up sadly at the dark clouds between the old intricate buildings on Fifth Ave. and she felt rattled by how the day had started off so unpleasantly. The relentless rain and grey, foggy skies seemed to exaggerate the slight guilt she still felt after seeing Thomas standing in the pouring rain, begging her to stay. She ruminated over the sad look he had on his face and his doleful eyes when he first saw her by the taxi but when he didn’t get his way, the look turned foul, almost sinister, she cautioned herself as her guilt faded away to anger. Damn him, he never feels any guilt when he hurts me...

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