"Thomas, I can't do this now," she pleaded, with a pained look on her face, " I'm going."

"Ali, don't go. I need to see you - I'm leaving tonight." He implored firmly, his tone sounded tormented as he stood holding his car door, staring at her with the rain pouring down on him. He was inflamed when she left. He got into his car and slammed the door with more force than he usually would. Damn bitch, he cursed faintly under his breath.

Aliziana was not impressed - she was angry. She slid into the taxi, told the driver to take her to E 48th St. and prayed that Thomas wouldn't follow her. She had told him all she needed to tell him. Even her family, friends and employees were reminding her daily, that she needed to get out more often and have a social life aside from work and Thomas. Of course she needed a social life, she laughed to herself but Thomas and work was all she knew recently - they had consumed her every minute.

A Pryce Worth Paying - 5

Together for the past three years, Thomas had just started revealing qualities that made her very weary. Something simply felt peculiar recently. He made sudden sexual demands that she was uncomfortable with and he was enjoying witnessing her pain which was unusual - his behavior was abrasive, unpredictable and she felt unable to trust him as she had previously. At times, the emotional roller-coaster felt exhilarating, then it would be hurtful and painful. She learned hard lessons from past relationships and decided that she didn’t want to go down the same precarious path again.

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