“Leedgard Security,” he told her, “I am escorting you Miss Ferretti to the Chamber’s penthouse in the Upper West Village correct?” He asked looking directly into her dark wide eyes, witnessing her concern and uneasiness.

“And where is my usual escort?” She asked apprehensively with a disappointed frown, “no one informed me that Riley wasn’t coming today.”

“Sorry ma’am but you’ll have to ask Leedgard about that.” He motioned for her to go out under the umbrella and again she hesitated. “Ma’am, that’s my hummer,” he tilted his head toward the street where it was parked and before she could ask for identification, he pulled out his photo employee card and she smiled awkwardly.

“Thanks...I didn’t mean anything - I am just being cautious.”

“No harm done,” he told her as-a-matter-of-fact, then guided her under his umbrella to the hummer.

She thanked him with a closed-mouth smile and made herself comfortable as she positioned the briefcase on the opposite seat and then flattened her hair and fitted jacquard jacket to avoid wrinkling. She turned around to meet his gaze and she looked at him blankly. What was he waiting for she wondered.

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