The kid was definitely up to something.

Xander picked up on one of the Guardians from the local station moving towards the alley. He debated following Jonny then changed his mind. Whatever the young Black God was doing, it wasn't going to affect Xander. He shouldn't be concerned, but he also knew better than to assume any good was going to come of whatever Jonny was doing. Xander hadn't survived multiple wars and White Gods tracking him, only to let a teenager fuck him over.

Xander returned to the club. He let the sensations outside of his mind distract him while he checked his watch a few times. True to his word, Jonny left Xander's at the fifty-eight minute mark.

Xander received a text a minute later.

I'm coming back tomorrow. Fifteen minutes. Don't fuck with me.

Xander laughed. The text sought permission and voiced defiance. He scared the shit out of everyone he met, the Black God included. He put his phone away, more amused by the idea of Jonny waiting for his permission than responding. Instead of going home right away, he went to the last location where the Black God had been.

Hospital. He smelled the blood of the injured from outside the ER doors. His teeth grew in response. He was too hungry to enter without shredding a few humans in the process. Xander used his senses to find the girl within the bright building. Even more interested in what the Black God was doing, Xander lingered for a few minutes then left.

Whatever it was, he wasn't about to enter a hospital until he'd had his dinner. Xander returned to his condo and his night's entertainment.

She wasn't in his bed waiting like girls were every other night. Xander left his bedroom, irritated, and stretched his senses. He recognized Ingrid's mind; she was passed out on the couch, curled up with his cat. But there was no one else in the condo.

"Ingrid," he called. His mental prod jolted her awake. "My dinner?"


"What? Oh. Oh." Ingrid looked around, disoriented. "She got hit by a car."

"Not again."

"You have to stop putting that spell on them. They're like blind deer. Just wander out onto the road."

"Your job is to keep that from happening."

"All I did was leave her by the car door. She just had to sit. That's it."

Xander rubbed his face, agitated at losing his dinner and his night of fun.

"There's always me," Ingrid said hopefully. "You can turn me. I won't tell."


"Xander," she whined. "I wanna be a vampire. You promised!"

"I said someday. That's not today," he snapped.

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