"Grabbing dinner," she said to Xander. "More coffee?"


"How late do you plan on staying?" she asked.

"I can go all night, darlin'."


He didn't look up from the book he was signing but smiled.

She grunted and left the booth, pausing to text Gerry to let him know she was still working. She wasn't going to make their five thirty dinner date.

No worries! His reply was fast. I get how these celebrities are.

Disappointed he wasn't concerned, Jessi left the bookstore. Slender, dark-haired Ashley was standing outside, waiting. She brightened as Jessi appeared.

"Let's grab some food," Jessi said.


"I don't get to meet him?" Ashley asked, disappointed.

"Trust me, he's an ass," Jessi said.

"But he's so hot."

"Looks without personality equates to-"

"I know!" Ashley rolled her eyes. "Please, Jessi, can we meet him first? I've had the worst day ever!"

"I don't want you meeting him at all," Jessi said. "Come on." She ignored Ashley's protests and led her cousin away from the bookstore.

"Why didn't you tell me you worked for him?" Ashley whined. "You know how much we love that show!"

"It's a temporary gig," Jessi said. "He's a nightmare to work for."

"But -"

"We'll have dinner and you're going home."


The teen continued to argue as to why she should meet Xander while Jessi neatly countered every argument. She wasn't about to give Xander any leverage into her life, especially since she was planning on robbing him. The last thing she needed was for him to show up at her doorstep right behind Jonny.

The thought made her chest clench so tight, she almost stopped walking.

"Do you think he's a real vampire?" Ashley asked as they reached the food court.

"There's no such thing," Jessi lied. "He's insane, by the way."

Ashley sighed.

They ate dinner at the busy food court. Jessi stopped to grab Xander's coffee then walked with Ashley out of the mall an hour after they arrived. It was late fall, and the sun was already going down. They kept to one side of the busy parking lot.

"You seriously won't let me meet him?" Ashley tried again.


"But he said -"

"Jessi." The low voice made Jessi turn.

The two thugs a few feet behind them were dressed in dark clothes and muscular. They weren't normal criminals; this much she was able to tell by their appearances. They were too well-dressed, and their eyes glowed with something unnatural, like Jonny's and those of the thugs he stationed outside her apartment.

"You have the wrong person," she said and pushed Ashley towards the road. "Sorry." She turned and almost ran into the third member.

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