"Request denied. You already got to make up one new rule." Xander snorted. He gave her the half-smile that she took as warning he was just getting started. Not about to get caught up in his games, Jessi rose with her coffee and started into the apartment. Xander held out an arm to block her path.

"What?" she grated.

"Tell me what happened to your arm."

"It's none of your damn business!"

"You saying that makes me want to know more."


He reached for her arm. She twisted away, in enough pain as it was. The spark of interest lit in his eyes again. She almost groaned and tried to move away. Xander rose, snatching the flailing coffee mug with one hand while gripping her around the waist with his other. He hauled her against his body, her back pressed to his chest. Desire sharpened her senses, which did her no good with the pain radiating down her arm. His chin rested on her head as he placed the mug on the table.

"Xander, you really need to learn limits! One day someone is going to sue you for sure!" she objected, pushing at the arm locked around her body with her good hand.

"It won't be you."

"You totally don't know that."


"You came back. You want something. You won't risk losing it to sue me," he said and reached for her injured arm.

"Don't!" she barked, tensing.

He ignored her and wrapped his hand around hers. The sight of his thick, roped arm next to hers reminded her of their difference in sizes. Even swollen, her arm was small and feminine compared to his. His pressure was firm enough to keep her still. Trapped against his strong form, she wasn't certain if she felt gratified that someone so sexy was holding her or terrified to be stuck in the arms of a vampire. She was vulnerable to him and to Jonny. She didn't like it at all, yet her body was already starting to burn for Xander.

"Please don't," she said, the touch enough to cause tears of pain. "I feel sick."

"The more you fight, the longer I hold you."

She stopped straining and rested her head against his chest. Strange tingling ran down her arm. She braced herself, expecting pain when it reached her injury. Instead, the opposite happened. As she watched, the bruises and swelling faded. Pain retreated with it, until her arm felt normal again.

"How…" she started, staring at her arm. "Boundary!"

"A little late." Xander released her and stepped away so suddenly, she wobbled. He sat down in his chair and propped his legs up with nonchalance, as if he hadn't performed the impossible and healed her.

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