He got bored enough to play the piano while he waited. That little melody duet that he’d written for their tattoos was starting to stretch into a song.

A pair of soft, warm palms rested on his shoulders and then slid down his chest. His hands went still on the keys. One finger caught in his nipple ring. The gentle tug made his balls tighten. Her br**sts pressed against his back. Unfortunately, they weren’t bare.

“Happy birthday to you,” Rebekah sang into his ear in a sultry, breathless voice.

Her hands slid lower, over his belly.

“Happy birthday to you,” she continued.

He turned to look at her and almost fell off the piano bench. Rebekah wore a white halter dress with a long, loose skirt. It was a replica of the one Marilyn Monroe wore in The Seven Year Itch. The costume didn’t stop at the dress; Rebekah had the wig, the makeup. She looked as hot as hell in July.

“Happy Birthday, Mister Eric Sticks,” she sang in that same sexy voice.

She slid around his body to sit on his lap, her arms around his neck, her eyelids heavy as she looked at him with open invitation.

Oh dear God.

“Happy Birthday… to… you.”

Heart thudding, he lowered his head to kiss her. His hand slid up one smooth leg, under her skirt, higher and higher until he knew for certain. She wasn’t wearing panties. He lifted her onto the piano and ducked his head under her skirt. Her heels dug into his back as she encouraged his exploring lips and tongue. He sampled her flowing juices, tongue dancing over slick flesh, fingers digging into her hips to hold her still as he excited her to a writhing mass of feminine perfection.


Breathless with anticipation, he emerged from beneath her skirt and tugged his shorts down to free his straining cock. He jerked her body toward him, and she slid off the slick lid of the piano onto the keys, which gave a discordant clang. Finding her opening beneath her skirt, he inserted his c**k carefully and then surged forward, filling her with one hard, deep thrust. Pumping into her with a steady rhythm, he opened his eyes to look at her. He tugged her wig off and ran his fingers through her soft hair. As sexy as she was when she was pretending to be someone else, he preferred the real woman.

His woman.

She was more than enough for him. Everything he would ever need.

He captured her lips with his and slowed his pace, not seeking release any longer. Seeking something more. The connection between them. The one he only felt when he was with her. His hands slid down the bare flesh of her back, and he pressed her body close. Their hearts thundered out of control, his against hers, hers against his.

She broke their kiss, and he gazed into her beautiful blue eyes. She stared at him as if in awe. Eventually, he had to ask, “What?”

She wrapped both arms around his waist and snuggled against his shoulder. “Sometimes it just hits me,” she whispered. “How lucky I am to be with you.”

“I’m the lucky one.”

There was a crunch of gravel in the driveway. Rebekah stiffened. “What time is it?”

Outside, a car door slammed shut.

Eric checked the grandfather clock. “Um, almost six.”

“Already?” she gasped. “Hurry up and come.”

“I wonder who that is,” he said, trying to see out in the driveway through a window on the far wall.

Looking half-panicked, Rebekah shoved him back so that his c**k slipped from her body. She dropped to her knees in front of him and sucked him into her mouth. She was obviously intent on making him come as quickly as possible. He let the pleasure consume him, tenderly tucking her hair behind her ears as she bobbed her head and sucked hard. He erupted in her mouth, his body taut as he let go.

She swallowed his offering and hopped to her feet, tugging his shorts in place as the doorbell rang. “We’ll do this again later,” she promised. “You can take as long as you want then.”

He chuckled. Six weeks ago, he never took long at all, and now she was apologizing for making him come too fast.

“I love you, woman.”

She grinned. “I know. I love you too. Go answer the door. I need to find some panties.”

She hurried out of the room. The doorbell rang again. “Come on, dude!” he heard Brian call from the front porch. “All this stuff is getting heavy!”

“Well, if you’d let me carry something,” Myrna complained.

“You are. You’re carrying my baby.”

Eric opened the door, smiling at the bickering couple. “Hey, I wasn’t expecting you two.”

“Oh yeah,” Brian said. He had a Crock-Pot under one arm, a large casserole dish in another, and several bags dangling from both hands. “Surprise!”

Myrna hugged Eric. “Happy birthday!” She slipped around his body to enter the foyer. Brian followed.

“Where’s the kitchen?” Myrna asked. “I need to warm stuff up.”

“I’ll show you,” Brian said.

“Make yourself at home,” Eric called after them.

Eric honestly didn’t think this day could get any better, and then another car pulled up in the driveway. It was Sed’s Mercedes. Sed and Jessica took awhile to get out of the car. They were too busy making out in the front seat. Eric stood patiently on the porch so he could let them in the house when they decided they were finished sucking face, and Sed finished doing whatever he was doing with his head under the dashboard.

Rebekah appeared beside Eric and handed him another birthday present.

“Should I open it now?” he asked.

“Yeah. I don’t want all the women staring at my fine piece of man meat all evening.”

He laughed. As if. He opened the box and found a black T-shirt. The words Dirty Old Man were scribed across its front in white lettering. He chuckled and pulled it over his head. He kissed her temple and murmured, “Later I’ll show you how dirty this old man can be.”

“I’m counting on it.” She reached up on tiptoes to kiss him and stroked his hair lovingly. “I’m going to help Myrna. It was so awesome of her to make us all dinner.”

“Who’s all?” Eric asked.

“You’ll see.”

He hoped all didn’t include Isaac.

Eventually, Sed climbed out of the car and dashed around the vehicle to open the door for Jessica. They shared a few more moments of locking lips, and then Sed went to the trunk. Jessica carried gift bags and Sed carried a big container that looked suspiciously like a cake box. In a sweet little sundress and matching short-sleeved jacket, Jessica looked as smokin’ hot as ever. No wonder Sed couldn’t keep his hands off her.