“Hey.” Trey’s deep, teasing tone sent a shiver of delight down her spine.

She flushed, wondering why this man just had to look at her to get her all hot and bothered. A bit belatedly, she noticed that Trey had Eric in a headlock with his hand over Eric’s mouth. Eric poked Trey in the ribs, which made Trey squirm, but he didn’t release him.

“What are you doing to Eric?” Rebekah asked.

“You can’t take this obnoxious guy anywhere,” Trey said. “Brian’s decided you’ll do a fine job as our soundboard operator.”

She grinned and shook her head. “Liar.”

When she opened the car door, Trey stepped back, forcing Eric to move with him. Eric made a sound of protest against Trey’s hand.

Trey got a strange look on his face and then laughed. “You think licking my hand will make me release you, Sticks?”

“So what did Brian really say?” Rebekah asked.

She took one of Eric’s hands in both of hers. Looking up at Trey, she drew her tongue over Eric’s palm. Eric shuddered.

“He said you deserved a chance,” Trey said. “Brian is a really great guy, you know. Fair. Considerate.”

Eric said something against Trey’s hand that earned him an elbow to the ribs.


Rebekah still didn’t believe Trey. Brian didn’t want her there and she knew it. She’d just have to show him that she could excel at this job and change his mind about her ability as an audio engineer. Show him that great things came in small packages. That you shouldn’t judge a book and/or FOH by her cover. And any other relevant clichés that came to mind.

Rebekah traced Eric’s lifeline with the tip of her tongue, and his fingers curled. Trey’s hand muffled the little sound of torture Eric made in the back of his throat.

“What are you doing?” Trey asked, his green eyes following the motion of her tongue as she slowly licked Eric’s fingers one at a time. Strong fingers that gave wonderful massages. Eric’s entire body was trembling by the time she reached his little finger.

“I thought you might release him if I licked his hand.” She sucked Eric’s middle finger into her mouth.

Trey watched her draw Eric’s finger deeper into her mouth. He bit his lip and held a hand in her direction. “My turn.”

His mouth now free, Eric wriggled out of Trey’s stranglehold and stood upright. Her plan had worked. And she’d gained Trey’s attention as a bonus.

“If you’re trying to make my fly too tight, little Reb,” Eric said, “you are succeeding.” He adjusted his jeans with a pained wince.

She grinned around his finger. That hadn’t been her original intention, but she liked how he readily admitted her effect on him. She needed to feel desirable. She hadn’t felt that way for a long while. Too long. Her body had healed after her surgery, but she knew she was missing something. She felt different. Empty. And when her long-term boyfriend Isaac had tried to make love to her, he had made her feel the loss of her womb to the depths of her soul. He hadn’t been intentionally cruel, but it had wounded her nonetheless. No matter how much she’d once loved Isaac, she’d had no choice but to leave him after that.

Rebekah reached for Trey’s outstretched hand and tugged him closer. She released Eric’s finger from her mouth and drew Trey’s inside. When Eric started to move away, she held his hand firmly. She didn’t want him to go. She wanted Eric to want her. And she wanted Trey to want her as well. She wasn’t sure she wanted either of them to do anything about their desire. She just needed to know it existed.

While Eric seemed content to let her suck on his finger alternately with Trey’s, Trey wasn’t so patient. When she shifted her attention to Eric for a second time, Trey moved to stand behind her. Trey’s hands rubbed over her rib cage and hip bones, urging her to lean back. She felt it against her lower back—the hard ridge of Trey’s c**k within his jeans—and she shuddered.

She wanted to feel Eric’s desire for her as well. She urged him toward her until there were scant inches between their bodies. She wrapped both arms around Eric and pulled his long, hard body against hers. Just like he’d said, he was hard. For her. She felt his hard c**k against the heated flesh of her belly. Two handsome, sexy men who could have just about any woman they wanted, desired… her.

Yeah, but for how long? If they knew how useless her body was, that would send them running in opposite directions. Tears sprang to her eyes, and she tilted her chin down to press her forehead against Eric’s hard chest. She couldn’t let him see that she was emotional when she should be nothing but aroused.

Trey’s hands slid between her and Eric to rub the under-curves of her br**sts. He used his chin to brush her hair aside so he could suck on her neck just under her ear. Her thoughts scattered as she lost herself in the moment.

“Oh,” she gasped. She hadn’t expected Trey to move so fast, but his mouth, his hands, the solid strength of his body behind her felt so good, she only considered stopping him for a millisecond.

Trey bent his knees so that his erection slid down the crack of her ass.

“Oh!” She tilted her head back and looked at Eric. His vibrant blue eyes were partially concealed by heavy lids as he gazed down at her. The sultry look that came so naturally to Trey looked even better on Eric. His hands slid between Trey’s hip bones and her butt to draw her closer. Eric lifted her feet off the ground, dragging her up his c**k until it pressed against her mound. Trey followed her upward motion, keeping his c**k pressed firmly against her ass. Rebekah couldn’t think of anything more exciting than being pressed between these two strong and sexy men. Couldn’t think of anything more exciting until Eric lowered his head to kiss her. She clung to his back and opened her mouth to his questing tongue.

While Eric had her distracted, Trey’s hands slid from her br**sts to the waistband of her leggings. He slowly eased them down. His fingers against the bare skin along both hips brought her back to her senses.

She jerked her mouth from Eric’s and moaned, “No.”

“Yes,” Trey whispered into her ear. “You mean yes. Say yes, Rebekah.”

“Yes,” she gasped.

“That’s a good girl.” Trey looked over Rebekah’s shoulder at Eric. “Please tell me you have a couple condoms on you. I got nuthin’ with me.”

Condoms? Why did he need a couple condoms? She was especially confused by his need for more than one. When realization struck her, Rebekah’s entire body stiffened. Trey thought she’d do that? Here? With him and with Eric? Simultaneously? Was that even possible? How would they… Take turns? Or would they both… Rebekah’s heart thudded so hard she expected it to burst right through her sternum.