Trey laughed. Did he think he was here to beat him up? Hardly. “Me neither. As the saying goes, I’m a lover, not a fighter.”

Isaac chanced a glance at him and then lowered his gaze to Trey’s chest. “What do you want from me then?”

Trey placed both hands on the wall on either side of Isaac’s body to further assert his dominant role. Trey could go either way, but nothing got his blood pumping like a confused virgin.

Isaac’s trembling intensified.

“You really don’t know?” Trey took another step forward. Inches separated the length of their bodies. Trey’s nose brushed Isaac’s jaw as he whispered, “I want you to admit who you are, that’s all.”

“You’re making me very uncomfortable,” Isaac said.

“Uncomfortable or excited?”

Isaac pressed a hand against Trey’s chest. Perhaps his intention had been to push Trey away, but instead, his hand curled and gripped Trey’s shirt.

“That’s what I thought,” Trey murmured. “I’m guessing you’ve never been this turned on in your entire life, and I haven’t even touched you.” Trey breathed a hot breath against Isaac’s neck, and Isaac shuddered. “Yet.”

Isaac’s other hand moved to Trey’s waist and slid around to his back. He stopped short of pressing his body against Trey’s, but he wanted to. Trey knew he did. “This is wrong,” Isaac

said breathlessly.


Trey rubbed his open mouth along Isaac’s jaw. “Doesn’t feel wrong though, does it? It feels right. Nothing has ever felt more right.”

Isaac made a sound of torment in the back of his throat.

“Do you want me to kiss you?” Trey murmured. Isaac obviously did, but Trey was going to make him admit it.

“No,” Isaac panted. “Rebekah…”

“She can’t give you what you want, Isaac.”

“She and I can…” Isaac took a step forward, pressing his body against Trey’s. Trey felt Isaac’s excitement against his hip. His c**k was hard as stone. “We can adopt children.”

“I’m not talking about that. She can’t f**k you the way you want to be f**ked.” Trey leaned closer, resting his forearms on the wall. He brushed his nose against Isaac’s jaw and said, “The way I can f**k you.”

Isaac swallowed hard. “I don’t…”

Trey moved a hand to Isaac’s ass and shifted him slightly so their hard cocks were pressed together. “If you didn’t want it, you wouldn’t be hard. If I held a straight man like this, he’d be freaked out, not excited. You want it, Isaac. You can admit it to me. I won’t judge. I want it too.” Trey leaned back slightly to stare into Isaac’s bewildered gray eyes. “Say you want me.” Trey took his free hand from the wall and slid it into Isaac’s soft, loose curls. Isaac really did have the face of an angel. If he didn’t admit it soon, Trey was going to kiss him regardless. “Say it, Isaac.”

“I…” He squeezed his eyes shut.

Trey slid his hand over Isaac’s ass so that his fingertips pressed against that place Trey so wanted to f**k, though he had no intention of taking it that far. At least, not today. He rubbed Isaac there, and Isaac went limp against Trey’s body. Completely submissive in his arms. Maybe Trey would take it that far after all. Fuck Isaac in the bathroom at Rebekah’s parents’ house. Wouldn’t that give Mrs. B a stroke? Knowing the son-in-law she so craved got f**ked in the ass by one of those dirty rock stars in her own home while they ate Thanksgiving dinner. The thought made Trey’s heart thud with excitement. Hell, even if she never found out, he’d know. Trey grinned wickedly.

“Does that feel good?” Trey whispered, still rubbing Isaac’s hole through his pants.


“I can make it feel a whole lot better.”


“Please, what?”

“Please… f-fuck me. There.”

Who could turn down that plea? Not Trey. “If that’s what you want.”

“Yes.” He nodded vigorously. “I’ve always wanted it. Always.”

“How does it feel to admit that?”

Isaac took a shaky breath. “Terrifying.”

Trey understood that. “It’s okay. I can give you what you want. What you need. You don’t ever have to be afraid when you’re with me.” Trey tightened his hand in Isaac’s hair to hold his head still so he could kiss him.

The instant Trey’s lips touched Isaac’s, Isaac thrust his tongue into Trey’s mouth and pulled him closer with surprising strength. Still kissing Trey with deep enthusiasm, Isaac turned and slammed Trey against the wall. He pulled away and separated their bodies enough to unfasten Trey’s belt and open his fly. The soft-spoken guy had gone from zero to a hundred and twenty in three seconds flat. Maybe he was more dominant than Trey had first expected.

Fine with him. Trey liked to get it as much as he liked to give.

Isaac’s hand trembled as it touched Trey’s c**k for the first time. His breath came out in an excited huff when he gripped it in his palm and gently stroked its length. “Forgive me, God,” he whispered, “for I am about to sin.”

He dropped to his knees, and Trey wasn’t sure if he was going to start praying—which would have totally freaked him out—or what. Trey gasped when Isaac directed his c**k into his mouth and sucked him deep. Trey leaned heavily into the cool tile wall behind him and stroked Isaac’s hair. He watched Isaac struggle not to gag each time his c**k bumped into the back of his throat.

Isaac’s technique was a little timid, but the guy had no way of knowing how much Trey loved to have a man on his knees sucking his cock. The combination of sensation and the vision of his c**k disappearing into Isaac’s mouth made Trey’s belly quiver. Isaac’s hand slid over Trey’s heavy balls and between his legs. When he realized Isaac’s intention, Trey relaxed his stance and allowed Isaac’s finger to slide up his ass. He fleetingly wondered how many times Isaac had fantasized about doing this to another man.

For a virgin, he was very keen to explore. When a second finger slid up Trey’s ass, the involuntary need to thrust overtook him and he rocked forward, driving his c**k deeper into Isaac’s throat.

Isaac somehow managed to suck harder. Mercy.

Trey tilted his head to lean against the wall. His eyes drifted closed as he allowed sensation to carry him away.