Marry Ann's POV

I pried an eye open and saw mom sitting in a chair with dad on my right and Mystery man on my left. My head hurt and I opened my mouth to tell them and no sound came out. I tried even harder and still nothing. I started to panicked and the heart rate monitor spiked Mystery man jolted awake and looked at me. "Hey it's ok, don't panic every thing is ok," he cooned over and over again till the monitor was back to normal. Why the fuck can't I talk! The crash, the crash took my voice away. A tear slid down my puffy face. I sat up a little bit tryingnot to use my left arm it had eight blood stained bandages. I saw a pencil andapiece of paper on the food tray. I graded it and wrote 'Am I mute for life?' He looked at me. "Maby, maby not we don't know yet." 'How am I suppose to teach little kids too dance if I can't even talk to them or have a conversation with customers if I can't make a sound' I was wrighting so hard that the pencil led broke. "Hey it's ok we're going to get through this together." Together who the hell said anything about together. I shook my head. "Yes we will don't think so negatively," he was taking this the wrong way. I pointed at him and and then by the door and nodded. " You want me to leave?" I nodded. His brow and smiled "Sorry my little girl but Daddy is all yours wether you like it or not," my mother yawned and stretched in the chair. She looked at me and gasped. "Darling how long have you been up?" "Not very long Ms.Ann," Mystery man answered for me. I picked up the pencil and waved it in there faces. Today was going to be a long day.

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