I walked around the block and saw a figure sitting on the steps. As I got closer I could start to see him...Ohmyfuckinggod mystery man was sitting on my door step! "Hello are you lost?" His bent head shot up and looked at me I wanted to cower in the corner with that intense stair. "No I just need a place to think," he sounded weak and broken. "Would you like a black coffee and apple pie?" I asked as I pulled out my key to the door. "That would be delightful thank you," I opened the door and stepped aside to let him in. He walked past me his sent lingered in the door sending goosebumps along my skin. I flicked the light on and sighed. Today sucked, the only good thing today was seeing this man. He sat in his corner and leaned back. "What is your name?" I asked " I don't give out my name," he mumbled nearly to low for me to hear. "Are you a murder Ser?" I was pretty sure he wasn't but it never hurt to ask. He started laughing at me, "I'm not a murder and no I have never been to jail," he dismissed my worries. I got him his usual and we went through the usual routine and I sat in the seat across from him. "You are a one in a life time person for me, I need you," he announce proudly. I snorted, "Your drunk off your ass aren't you?" I asked. "Nope...ok only a little, but that but that doesn't mean it's not true." He speech slurs at the last words. "You don't know me," I told him "But I want to," he smiled at the pick up line. I laughed so hard tears rolled down my face. "That...was...the...worst pick up...line ever," I gasped for air. "I rocked it," and he passed out. Shit, how the hell am I going to get him to a cab...or I can put him in one of the apartments I own upstairs. 'Help him it is the right thing to do' shut up me. But I walked over to the up stairs and opened the door I walked over to him and scooped him up under the at the arms. "Up you go big guy," he slumped in my arms fuck he was heavy I walked to the door and set him down. Hmmmm how am I going to get him up the stairs I went into the back room and got a cardboard box and string. I tied the string to the cardboard box and then hooked the string to a the top part of the stairs. I rolled him onto the box and started pulling. It took me about 20 minutes to pull him up the stairs and het him into bed I left his clothes on and plopped into the chair next to the bed falling asleep almost immediately.

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