Oh, we sure will, Emberlyn Locke. We sure as fuck will. Knowing I’m not sure I can last much longer without hearing her agree that I do, in fact, have a woman, I mentally give myself two weeks tops to make it happen.

“Come with me?” I request.

We had finished our dinner about an hour ago and instead of pulling her to the couch as I would have liked, I sat in my desk chair, pulled her on my lap, and swiveled the seat so we could look down at the club below.

She turns her head and looks over her shoulder at me before giving me her smile and a small nod.

I help her to her feet before climbing to my own and pulling her toward the door, down the stairs, and into the madness. The crowd parts without trouble, and I make sure she settles safely at an empty spot I found for her at the main bar before jumping over the surface and behind the counter.

I hear the sound of her laughter over the music when my feet land. I look over my shoulder with a wink before grabbing a shot and pint glass. I place them both down in front of her before reaching around and grabbing the amaretto and filling the shot glass about three-fourths full before getting the 151 proof rum and filling it the rest of the way. Then I place the now full shot inside the pint glass. I feel Dent move to my side and hand me a beer, smirking a knowing smile when he watches me fill the pint glass up until it’s level with the already full shot glass.

Her eyes follow my hand as I reach out and hold my palm up, knowing that Dent will be ready for the next step, and he doesn’t disappoint.

Both of her dark brows shoot up the second I flick the lighter and hold it to the shot glass in the center of the pint, the flame sparking instantly as the liquor burns brightly in front of her.

While it burns between us, I catch her gaze, and with one finger, I point at the brightly lit sign above me.

I had one installed at each of the bars around the club last night. Luckily, I know enough people around town that when I want something done, it’s done right away. Some sort of glowing backlight design illuminates the simple wording centered on both sides of the solid black sign.

Dirty Dog’s Pleasure Elixir :: Ember Firecracker


I watch her jaw drop, knowing without words what I mean by that display. I’m claiming her as mine for everyone to see the second they step up to any of the bars inside Dirty. Well, I’m sure the majority of people who order Ember’s drink will have no fucking clue except for those who know us personally. And honestly, it’s more about making a statement to her anyway.

One that screams I, Dirty Dog himself, only find my pleasure from my Ember.

My firecracker.

“COME ON, BAM!” I YELL across the expanse of my backyard as I wait for him to bring back the nasty, slobber-filled tennis ball that he loves more than life. I watch him frolic around; tossing his huge body up in the air before running in circles to chase whatever imaginary thing he’s found.

Giving up on getting him to come inside so I can get some cleaning done before finding something to eat for dinner, I flop down on one of my outdoor chairs and give in to the thoughts that have held my mind captive for the last week.

After the night at Dirty when I brought him dinner, I’ve been burning for him, and it had nothing to do with the drink that he had created for me. A drink that I know in my bones was his way of letting me see just how serious he is about this newly created us.

I stuck around for another hour after his grand reveal of Ember’s Firecracker, but I had a feeling that, by me being there, Nate was having a hard time focusing on what he needed to do, which was run his club. I made my excuses, even if I wanted to stick around, and after another explosive make-out session next to my car, I headed home.

That night, even with the shocking start we had with his office surprise, had been one of the best of my life. Unfortunately for us, the timing just hasn’t been on our side for the last week. Not since he has to deal with everything that comes with having the most popular club around two weeks after opening their doors.

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