“He did what?” Maddi gasps.

“Well, way to go Nate-Dog!” Nikki yells.

“What about Levi?” my sister continues with a bitter look on her face, ignoring Nikki’s outburst completely.

“I know it doesn’t make it better, I mean I did kiss another man last night. Well, he kissed me, but I didn’t push him away immediately, so I’m at just as much fault, but for what it’s worth, I was breaking up with him tomorrow. It’s been a long time coming, but I’ve just been putting it off to avoid the confrontation.”

Maddi tries, but she does a crap job at hiding the happiness in her expression.

“You didn’t do anything wrong,” Nikki says softly, her face a mask of understanding as she nods gently. Of course, she understands. She knows everything that’s happened between Levi and me that has led up to that decision.

“When did you decide this?” Maddi asks hopefully.

“A few days ago, for sure. But I’ve been thinking about it for a few weeks. I would have already broken it off, but he’s been working all weekend. He got off this morning and went right to bed. Hell, maybe the gym, but regardless, we don’t have plans to see each other until later tonight or tomorrow.”

She nods, looking over at a still nodding Nikki before her nod turns into a shake of her head at my weird friend’s theatrics.

“Okay,” she starts, and I hold my breath. I would hate it if she were disappointed in me for the way I’m handling the men in my life. Shit, men in my life? When did I become one of those girls? “I’m going to have to agree with Nikki, Em. You aren’t exactly an angel in this situation, but you didn’t instigate things between you and Nate. And if I’m being honest, if I were in your shoes, I’m not sure I would have been able to resist the kind of sexual tension you two have going on.”



Her face goes soft before she stands and walks over to the couch, sitting down next to me and pulling me into her arms. “No buts, little sister. You’re in one hell of a complicated situation, and the only advice I can give you is to follow your heart.”

“My heart needs to stop and ask for directions,” I mumble against her chest.

I feel her laugh before she speaks. “Then you know what I think?”

Lifting my head with a sniffle to keep my emotions in check, I wait for her to continue.

“It’s time to call Mom.”


I grab the shirt I had thrown off last night and wipe my come off my abs before tossing it in the general direction of my laundry hamper.

I look down at my still hard cock in disgust and wonder if this is one of those moments I should call my doctor because my erection has lasted longer than four hours.

Hell, it’s lasted longer than twelve.

I frown when I watch it grow even harder at the memory of why I’ve been in this predicament for so long.


My little firecracker.

She lit up like the Fourth of July just from my kiss.

She might think I didn’t notice, but when her body got tight in my arms just seconds before those sweet fucking tremors took hold of her, I knew.

I reach out and grab my lube, again, and get ready to fuck my fist when I would give just about anything to have Ember here in my bed. Just when I’m wrapping my fist around my cock, my phone goes off and I sigh, looking sadly at my crotch.

“Dude, you’re going to have to just stay hard,” I moan before placing my cell to my ear.


“What’s up?”

“Do I even want to know what you were just saying?”

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