“I’m fine. It’s taking longer to finish the renovations, which is the only reason I’m there late. I don’t know why she’s worried. I’m a grown man, Dad.”

He laughs, his deep booming chuckles breaking through the silence harshly. “Grown in age, maybe.”

I flip him off, brushing off how annoyed I get when people assume that I’m not mature simply because I enjoy joking around. Especially since I’ve done nothing to substantiate that assumption. Sure, I like having fun and living the kind of life where laughter comes easy, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have a brain in my head.

He slaps my hand away, still laughing. “She won’t ever stop worrying about you, son, and a mother knows when her kids are hurting.”

Not liking how serious this little chat has turned, I can feel my hackles rising. “Well, this kid is just fine. Just stressed with getting everything finished over at that club,” I snap.

“Nathaniel,” he starts, and I take a deep breath so I don’t blow up on him. One thing I’ve learned the hard way is no one blows up on Axel Reid without being burned in the process.

“Honestly, Dad, I’m fine. Stressed a little, but that’s normal since I’m in the middle of trying to get shit finished with Dirty Dog, you know that club, and keep up with shit here. I promised you when I bought the place that I would stay on here so you wouldn’t feel the weight of my absence. I’m allowed to feel stretched a little thin.”

“You wouldn’t feel that way if you wouldn’t have bought that place.”

“With all due respect, I’m trying really hard to remember you’re my parent and that you’re coming from a good place. I’m old enough to know what I want with my life. Too old to sit on my ass and not go after what I want, and what I want doesn’t involve me sitting in this room for the rest of my life.”

He’s silent, his green eyes bright, while he processes his words. Finally, he lets out a long breath. “I’m sorry, Nate. It’s just hard for me not to be concerned that you’re throwing away a fuck load of money on that place. Club Carnal’s been closed for a long time and that place needed a lot more work than what it’s worth. I just hate to think that you’re setting yourself up for failure.”

“Well, shit. Once again, thanks for the vote of confidence.”


“I don’t mean it like that, Nate. I’m just worried. You’ve been so closemouthed about this whole club thing. This is new for us, and we’re allowed to be concerned. Your sister always had a clear path, no guessing games, so we’re just trying to figure it out with you.”

“Did you think that maybe that’s because I’ve been looking forward to showing it off a little? Fuck! This is getting so old; the constant assumption that I’m going to fuck it all up because I’m not as driven as Dani.”

“That’s not what I mean, and you know it.”

I do, which sucks, but I can’t help but get pissed that we always seem to have this fight. “I’m sorry. What can I tell you so that you can stop worrying that I’m going to go off the deep end and end up homeless?”

“Don’t be a smartass.”

Throwing my hands up, I lean back in my chair and scowl at him, measuring my words so that maybe, hopefully, he will get it. “How’s this,” I start. “I’ve saved up enough money to buy the old club outright as well as the two units that were on either side. I’ve been able to get all of the renovations finished on the budget that I set, without having to get a loan, and I did that by being hands-on and doing most of the work myself. My business plan is solid. Regardless of the fact that I didn’t actually finish school to get my degree, I did remember the shit I learned. I’ve already hired a complete staff as well as worked out a plan to ensure that if I don’t start turning an immediate profit, I’ll be fine. I have entertainment booked so far in advance I could sit on my ass and drink at the bar instead of actually work once I open. All permits and licenses are in my possession and the interest for opening night was so heavy that I’ve had to sell tickets, and those sold out in four minutes and sixteen seconds. You think that’s enough to stop worrying about me? I’m already in the black on Dirty Dog and the doors aren’t even open.”

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