I sighed. As much as I loved his attention to the babies, he actually got them all wound up when he talked to them. They would start kicking away and he thought it was funny. “Ian, they’re settled for the night.”

“Please, Rory. Just a couple little words. Please,” he begged.

“Fine. Just make it quick. I’m tired.”

He smiled and kissed my tummy. “Hi, it’s your daddy. I just wanted to say good night to both of you.”

And there it was; the kicks had started. Ian put his hands across my stomach and smiled with each kick. He was so cute, and I had no doubt in my mind that he was going to make the best daddy. He’d kept a close eye on me ever since the first ultrasound, and when he couldn’t be with me because of work, he usually had Mandy keep me company. I sighed with each kick because one of them was kicking my bladder and it hurt. I was already feeling the pressure of them down there and he was making it worse.

“I love you, but f**k, Braxton, your children are really making me uncomfortable, and I have to go to the bathroom.”

He kissed my stomach three more times and got up and helped me up from the bed. “Rory, it’s getting harder for you to get up.” He laughed.

“I’m so happy you find it amusing. How about I stick two babies up your penis and see how comfortable you are.”

He glared at me. “Right. Sorry, sweetheart. I won’t say another word.”

I went into the bathroom and smiled when I heard him yell, “Oh, by the way, don’t expect me to ever get hard again after what you just said.”

“I have no doubt that you’ll be just fine.” I climbed into bed and Ian immediately put his arm around me and rested his hand on my belly.


“Don’t you dare,” I warned.

I heard a light chuckle as he inched his hand away from me. “Good night, sweetheart. I love you.”

“I love you too.”


Ian and I left the doctor’s office and went to grab some lunch. He said that I could go into labor any day and if I didn’t within the next week, then he would schedule me for a C-section. I didn’t know if I could hold out for another week. I was so uncomfortable, I could barely stand it anymore. Small cramping pains started and I wasn’t feeling well. I was so tired and I just wanted to go home.

“Can we get lunch to go, honey? I’m so tired and I’m not feeling well.”

“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” he asked with concern.

“I just feel a little sick. I think I need to lie down for a while.”

“Okay. I’ll just have Charles make something at home,” he said as he helped me into the car.

When we arrived home, I walked up the stairs and was startled by a severe cramp in my stomach. A cramp so bad that it sent me to my knees. I let out what sounded like a howl. Ian came running from the kitchen.

“Rory, what’s wrong?!”

“I think I had contraction.”

He took my hand and helped me up. “I’ll call the doctor.”

“No, don’t. It was just one pain. I’ll probably start getting them here and there. We don’t have to worry until they come closer together.”

Ian helped me up the stairs and to the bedroom. Another contraction started. “Holy f**k!” I screamed.

“Shit, sweetheart, I’m calling the doctor. I’ll be right back. I left my phone downstairs.”

“Don’t leave me, Ian,” I whined.

Ian started screaming Mandy’s name and, after a few moments, she came running into the bedroom.

“Mandy, I need you to go to the kitchen and get my phone. I need to call the doctor. Rory’s in labor.”

“Here, Mr. Braxton, just use my phone,” she said as she pulled it from her pocket and handed it to him.

Mandy walked over and rubbed my back. “I know it hurts, Rory, but you can do this.” She smiled.

“OH MY GOD! It’s happening again,” I screamed.

Suddenly, I felt a steady stream of water running down my legs. I looked down and gasped.

“Oh, your water broke!” Mandy exclaimed.

“What?! Ian said.

“Mr. Braxton, forget calling the doctor. You need to get Rory to the hospital now.”

Ian gave Mandy the phone and both of them helped me downstairs. Ian ran to the kitchen and grabbed his keys and phone while Mandy helped me in the car.

“Mandy, please have Joshua get Rory’s bag from the bedroom closet and bring it to the hospital.”

“Will do, Mr. Braxton. Good luck, Rory!”

I was scared, in pain, and unsure about everything. Ian took my hand and held it while he drove us to the hospital. Another contraction started and I squeezed Ian’s hand as I let out a yell.

“Why does this hurt so badly?” I screamed. “This can’t be normal!”

“Breathe, sweetheart. We’re almost at the hospital and everything will be fine,” Ian said.

“Nothing will be fine until I get these babies out of me!” I yelled.

Chapter 42


We arrived at the ER in record time. I broke every driving law possible. I went inside, found a wheelchair, and helped Rory from the car. I could see the pain in her face as she held her stomach. The receptionist took us up to the Labor and Delivery unit, where one of the nurses took Rory’s information and then called her doctor. The time had finally arrived. My daughters were about to enter the world and I couldn’t wait to meet them. I hated seeing Rory in so much pain and I wanted to do everything possible to try and make her comfortable. I helped her into the cloth gown the nurse left for her and then I helped her onto the bed.

“Ian, this pain is unbearable. I don’t think I can do this,” she said as she laid her forehead on my shoulder.

I clasped her shoulders with my hands and lightly rubbed them. “Yes, you can, sweetheart. Your daughters are depending on you to help them come into the world. They need your help.”

She sighed as she laid her head back on the pillow. I could tell she was already exhausted.

“Hello, there. I’m Cora and I’ll be your nurse for the rest of the evening.”

“Hello, Cora, I’m Ian Braxton. Is there anything you can give my wife to help her pain?”

“I’ll have to ask her doctor, but I’m sure he’ll give her something.” She smiled.

I pulled out my phone and dialed Adalynn. In the midst of all the excitement, I had forgotten to call her. Actually, I didn’t call anyone.

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