“You’ll go on, Rory. You’ll do something else on Thursdays. It’s going to be tough for a while, but you’re one of the strongest women I know and, with time, you’ll begin to heal.”

She wiped a tear that fell from her eye. “Heal. Does anybody ever really heal? There will always be an empty place inside me. A place where Stephen and I were connected. A place where we were not only twins, but we were one. We shared a bond and a connection on a deeper level than you could ever imagine.”

“I know you did, sweetheart, and I want you to hold onto his memory for the rest of your life. As hard as this is, you need to think of Stephen and how he is right now. He’s no longer locked up in a psychiatric hospital. He doesn’t hear voices anymore and he’s free. In some way, that has to make you feel a little better.”

She looked at me and gave a small smile. “I know all that, but I want him here with me.” She began to cry.

I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her into me. “I know you do, sweetheart, so do I.”


A few days had passed and we had a very small funeral service for Stephen. I didn’t contact my Aunt Nancy because, as far as I was concerned, she didn’t care about him anyway when he was alive. The event dinner was tonight and Ian chose not to go. I had already told him that I wasn’t up for going out and he agreed. The autopsy had confirmed that the virus Stephen had attacked his heart and that was his cause of death. I hadn’t done anything since he died except stay in bed and sleep. Ian told me that I needed to make an appointment with Dr. Neil and talk to her about everything. But, to be honest, what was she going to do to make me feel better. Every day was a struggle for me just to get out of bed. Tomorrow was Ian’s birthday and I felt horrible that I didn’t get the chance to buy him anything. I climbed out of bed and walked downstairs to his study, where I knew he was working. I stood in the doorway and stared at him for a moment before he realized I was there.

“Hey, sweetheart.” He smiled.

“Can I come in?” I asked.

“Of course you can. Come here,” he said as he held his arms out to me.

I walked over and sat down on his lap. He wrapped his arms around me and gave me a soft kiss.


“Did you have a nice nap?”

“I guess. I’m hoping that we’re still going on the yacht for your birthday tomorrow.”

His eyes lit up. “Are you up for it? Do you really want to go?”

“Yes.” I smiled as I ran the back of my hand across his cheek.

“Then yes, we’re going.”

I hugged him as I buried my face in his neck. The scent of his cologne was making me horny. It always did, but today, it was stronger than ever. We hadn’t had sex in three days and I missed him being inside me. Even though I felt close and connected to him, I needed him in another way. I softly began tracing his neck with my tongue.

“I need you to make love to me,” I whispered.

“It would be my pleasure, sweetheart,” he whispered back.

He lifted me up and carried me upstairs. We made love three times that night. He knew how much I needed him.

Chapter 19

Ian & Rory

Rory and I spent a couple of days on the yacht. There was no other way I wanted to spend my birthday than with her. After everything she’d been through, she seemed to be doing okay. We had beautiful meals, wonderful conversations, and made love multiple times a day. My favorite part of the trip was when Rory played “Happy Birthday” on the piano and sang to me. She talked a lot about her father and wanted to pay another visit to the Piano Bar. She said she wanted to tell him who she was and what had happened to Stephen. I didn’t know if that was such a good idea, but it was her decision and I’d support her. Andrew was pissed off that I was spending my birthday with Rory and he wanted to take me out to the club when we got back. I didn’t know if Rory was up to going. I thought maybe if Adalynn and Daniel came with us, she’d be more willing to go. I didn’t want to push too much. She was slowly trying to feel normal again. As we were on our way home and sitting in the limo, I pulled my ringing phone from my pocket and saw that Andrew was calling.

“Hello, Andrew.”

“Ian, my friend. How was your birthday on the yacht?”

“It was a lot of fun, and quiet.”

“Well, don’t get too used to the quiet because we’re hitting the club tomorrow night. I talked to Adalynn and she and Daniel are coming. We’re going to celebrate your birthday big, bro. Oh, you can bring Rory if you want.”

“I’ll talk to Rory about it. I’ll see you tomorrow night. Bye, Andrew.”

I sighed as I hit the end button and then grabbed Rory’s hand. “Andrew has planned a small get together at a club with Adalynn and Daniel for my birthday. Are you up for going?”

“Of course. If it’s to celebrate your birthday. It’ll be fun with you and Adalynn and Daniel there.”

“And not Andrew, right?” I asked.

“Ian, Andrew doesn’t like me for some reason.”

“Nah, I think he does. Like I told you before, I think he’s jealous,” I said as I kissed her temple.

When we arrived home, I carried the bags upstairs and Rory followed. She sat down on the bed and sighed.

“I want to go to the Piano Bar tonight.”

I turned around and looked at her. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah. I may not say anything to Jimmy, but I just need to go. He’s the only family I have left.”

I climbed on the bed and leaned into her. “I’m your family.”

She brought her hand up to my cheek and smiled. “Yes, you are my family, but I’m talking blood related.”

“You know that blood doesn’t always make a family, sweetheart.”

“I know, but he’s my dad.”

I smiled at her as I ran my finger along her jawline. We were interrupted by Richard’s voice calling my name from downstairs.

“Great, my dad is back from his trip. He and Adalynn always have perfect timing.”

Rory laughed and we both got up from the bed and walked downstairs. Richard was at the bar, pouring himself a drink. “Hey, you two. How was your little trip?”

“It was great, Dad. Glad you’re back. How was your trip?”

“It was productive, to say the least. Rory, I’m so sorry about your brother,” he said with open arms.

Rory walked over and thanked him as they lightly hugged. I was happy they were starting to get along. My phone rang and as I pulled it from my pocket. It was a business call that I’d been waiting for.

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