“Go to dinner with Andrew, Ian. I don’t f**king care.”

He shook his head and walked upstairs. I wanted to tell him so bad what Andrew said to me on Thanksgiving, but somehow, I didn’t think he’d believe me. I sat down at the piano and began to play. After a short while, Ian walked into the living room.

“I’ll be home later,” he growled.

I didn’t even look up at him. I couldn’t bring myself to. He walked out of the room and out the front door. I slammed my hands down on the keys as hard as I could and tears began to fall from my eyes. As I lightly pressed the keys, one at a time, I thought about what Ian said about my father. I ran upstairs to change, grabbed my keys, and drove away.

Chapter 15


I stood outside and looked up at the sign that read “Piano Bar.” My stomach was twisted in knots as I pulled the door open and stepped inside. I looked around at the people that were gathered at the table; talking, laughing, and having a good time. A man was playing the piano that sat in the corner of the room. As I walked over and took a seat at the bar, a red-haired woman came over and set a napkin down in front of me.

“Welcome to the Piano Bar. What can I get for you, honey?”

“I’ll have a cosmopolitan please,” I replied.

“One cosmo coming right up.”

The bar was simple. Nothing fancy and certainly not uptight.


“Here you go. Enjoy.” The bartender smiled as she set down the drink in front of me.

I gave a polite smile as I picked up the drink and sipped it. As I reached in my purse to pull out my phone, I heard a man say, “Rosie makes the best cosmos in the world. You’re lucky she’s working tonight.”

I looked up at the man and gasped. He looked exactly like Stephen; almost a spitting image of him. I gulped and forced a small smile. My heart was racing and my skin started to sweat. It was him; my father. I knew it. I could feel it. I needed to know for sure.

“I agree. This is the best cosmo I’ve ever had. Hi, I’m Rory S—” I immediately stopped myself. If I gave him my last name, he would know. “Sanders. Rory Sanders.”

“Nice to meet you, Rory Sanders. I’m Jimmy O’Rourke, the owner of this bar.” He smiled.

I was right; it was him, and suddenly, I just wanted to throw my arms around him and tell him that I was his daughter. After all these years, I finally met my dad; a man who didn’t even know who I was.

“Nice to meet you, Jimmy O’Rourke.”

I scanned his hands to see if he was wearing a ring. He wasn’t.

“Are you new in town?” he asked. “I haven’t seen you around here before.”

“Yeah, I am.”

“Welcome to the Piano Bar. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some piano to play.” He winked.

I watched him as he walked over to the piano and took a seat. He stretched out his fingers before he began to play. His fingers delicately stroked each ivory and black key. The melody he made was amazing.

“He’s the best there is,” the redheaded bartender spoke. “I’ve never seen anyone play with more passion than him.”

“Yeah, he’s great.” I smiled. “Do you know him well?” I asked.

“I’ve worked for him for over ten years. We’ve been through a lot together.”

I was starting to get the impression that they were a couple. “Is he married?” I blurted out.

“That’s an odd question to ask,” she said.

“I’m sorry. That came out completely wrong. I was only asking because someone as talented as him would certainly have a significant other. Can I have another cosmo, please?”

“Sure. Coming right up.” She smiled. “By the way, I’m Rosie or Rose. Jimmy likes to call me Rosie.”

“Nice to meet you. I’m Rory,” I said as I threw back the last of my first cosmo.

It was starting to get really packed in the bar. As soon as Jimmy hit the last key, everyone in the bar applauded. He stood up and took a bow. Rosie set down my second cosmo just as Jimmy walked back behind the bar. I picked up my glass and held it up.

“That was really cool. You’re really good.”

“Thank you, darling.” He smiled.

I had my phone sitting next to me and I saw the screen light up with a text message from Ian.

“Where the hell are you? I came home, you’re not here, and you didn’t say you were going out.”

“It’s none of your business.”

“You are my business. Now tell me where you f**king are!”

I didn’t feel like arguing with him, so I lied.

“I’m at Jordyn and Ollie’s place, visiting. I’ll be home in a while.”

“Come home now.”

What the hell was his problem?

“No, Ian. I will come home after I’m done visiting.”

“Don’t expect to get f**ked tonight.”

Really? Did he really just say that to me? Now, I was pissed as hell.

“Don’t worry. I won’t.”

I waited for a response and one never came. He was pissed. I was pissed, and at that moment, I didn’t care. As Rosie was walking by, I asked her if anyone could play the piano. She told me that it was open to anyone that had the talent. I asked her if she could watch my drink for me, and then I got up and walked over to the piano. I stretched my fingers, just like my father did, and gently placed my fingers on the keys. I began play a song that I felt was very fitting for the moment, “Only Human.” I closed my eyes and lost myself in the melody. After hitting the last note, I went right into Chopin. The bar grew quiet and all eyes were on me. I didn’t have to look up; I could feel it. I breathed life into the music and, when I finished, the patrons of the bar applauded and whistled. I smiled as I got up and walked back to my seat. Jimmy walked over and stared at me for a moment before speaking.

“Wow. That was amazing, Rory. Where the hell did you learn to play like that?”

“Thank you. I’ve been playing since I was a kid. I learned the basics and then pretty much taught myself the rest.”

“You don’t learn talent like that, honey. You were born with that gift.” He smiled.

I looked down at my drink. I finished it off and asked for another.

“You are welcome here to play any time you want.”

“Thanks, Jimmy.” I smiled.

Rosie brought me over another cosmo. I was already starting to feel the effects of the last two. “Round of shots on me,” Jimmy said as he looked at me and Rosie.

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