“Hi, Mason. It’s good to see you too.” I smiled as I stood up and handed Julia over to him.

Ian said hello and he got up and lightly shook Mason’s hand. Connor and Ellery walked back into the room and asked if we were ready to leave. I kissed Julia’s head and stepped onto the elevator as we took it down to the parking garage where the limo was waiting for us.

“Ellery really wants to take Rory to Times Square, since she’s never been to New York,” Connor said.

“She’d love that. Wouldn’t you, sweetheart?” Ian asked with a smile.

“Yes, I’ve always wanted to see Times Square.” I smiled at Connor and Ellery.

“Great! You’re going to love it, Rory!” Ellery exclaimed.

We walked around the streets of Times Square, and I was in awe. The crowds of people, the street vendors, and the variety of things to do amazed me. Being from a very small town, this was something I wasn’t used to. Ian and I held hands and, every time he looked over at me, he smiled. The words he had said earlier about children and how he wouldn’t hold Julia still consumed my mind. Connor didn’t make dinner reservations because Ellery said she just wanted to go eat somewhere that was unplanned. I really liked her. She was a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants kind of girl and I admired her. As we were walking across the street, Ellery saw Ellen’s Stardust Diner and told Connor and Ian that was where we were eating.

“Elle, are you sure?” Connor asked with a look on his face.

“Of course I’m sure. Rory is going to love it! The wait staff sings!” She smiled as she grabbed my hand and we walked ahead of the guys.

“I thought maybe we could go somewhere a little more quiet and—”

“And what, Connor? Classy? No, not tonight, babe. I’m sure Rory gets enough class in Malibu. Tonight, she’s going to experience New York City at its best!”


“Okay.” Connor sighed.

The line was long and the hostess told us there was about an hour wait. Ian and Connor both reached in their pockets and Ellery grabbed their hands.

“Oh no you don’t, you two. No trying to buy our way in. We’re going to wait in this line like everyone else.”

“But, Ellery, I really need a drink and I’m hungry,” Connor said.

“There’s a bar right there. You and Ian go and have a drink and Rory and I will wait in line.”

“No. We aren’t leaving the two of you here alone. We’ll wait.”

Ellery looked over at me. “Connor has safety issues,” she said.

I couldn’t help but laugh. I looked at Connor and smiled as he rolled his eyes. As we were waiting in line, there were two women standing behind Ian and Connor and they were whispering. I couldn’t hear exactly what they were saying, but I did hear the words “sexy and hot.” I leaned over and whispered to Ellery what I heard.

“I think those two are talking about our guys,” I said.

Ian and Connor were oblivious to it all because they were too busy talking about stocks. “I’m sure they are. Women hit on Connor all the time and I’m sure Ian gets it too. I mean, look at them.” She laughed.

I turned around and saw the one woman with the long, blonde hair tap Ian on the shoulder.

“Excuse me. Could you please take a picture of me and my friend?” she asked.

“Sure, no problem.” Ian smiled.

I watched him take her phone as the two women smiled and he took their picture.

“Thank you so much.” She giggled.

She took her phone back and I thought she pulled up the picture to look at it. She smiled and turned her phone around for Ian and Connor to see.

“You take great pictures,” she said as she showed them a picture of her tits.

Connor and Ian both smiled. “I don’t think we took that picture,” Connor said.

“Oops, wrong one. Sorry.” She smiled.

Ellery and I both smacked Connor and Ian on the arm. “What a whore,” I said.

The blonde looked at me. “Excuse me? Who are you calling a whore?”

Ian grabbed my hand as Connor grabbed Ellery’s. I turned around and ignored her, but it didn’t last when she continued to speak.

“I said, who are you calling a whore?”

“We can take her down together,” Ellery said to me.

“Rory, let it go,” Ian whispered.

I stared the blonde right in the eyes. “Next time you want to show off your tits to a guy, make sure they aren’t with their girls. Okay? Because we women have a code. You know the code that says we won’t try to steal another woman’s man? We women have to stick together and follow that. How would you like it if you were with your husband or boyfriend and someone did that to you? You’d be pissed, right? Well, am I right?”

The blonde sighed and nodded her head. “Yeah, I’d be pissed. I’m sorry. I really am.”

“I appreciate your apology. Enjoy your dinner,” I said as I turned around.

The hostess called our name and we were seated at our booth. I slid in and Ian slid next to me. He leaned over and kissed my head.

“You’re amazing. I just wanted you to know that.” He smiled.

“I would have ripped her head off,” Ellery said.

“Yes, she would have.” Connor nodded.

“You’re a classy woman, Rory.” Ellery smiled at me.

“She sure is,” Ian said as he put his arm around me.


Denny dropped Ian and me off at our hotel and we said our goodbyes to Connor and Ellery. I hugged Ellery and told her to give Julia a big kiss for me. She smiled and told me to call her. After I hugged Connor, and Ian said his goodbyes, he helped me out of the limo and we made our way to the elevator. Ian pushed the button and, as we waited for the door to open, he pulled me into him and kissed me on the head. When I looked up at him and smiled, it seemed like everything for which I was mad at him earlier was gone. It was the little things he did that made me swoon over him. The elevator doors opened and we took it up to our room. As soon as Ian unlocked the door and we walked into the room, my phone chimed. I pulled it from my purse and smiled as I read a text message from Andre.

“How is my beautiful American girl?”

“I’m good. How is my sexy French man?”

“The sexy French man is good. I was just checking in with you. Talk to you soon.”

“Really, Rory?” Ian said.

I set my phone on the table and looked at Ian. “What?”

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