Chapter 11


Rory walked across the street and over to Central Park. I followed behind because I knew she needed space. This was killing me because she was upset. She sat down on a bench in front of the fountain and I sat down next to her. We both just stared at the fountain and didn’t say a word. I had asked her to talk to me, and I knew she would when she was ready.

“I’m sorry,” she finally spoke. “It’s just hard when you’re so in love with someone and you feel threatened by another woman.”

“Sweetheart,” I whispered as I took hold of her hand. “Why do you feel threatened?”

“Because, there’s always going to be someone prettier than me and more entertaining.”

My heart ached when she said that. Insecurity was still deep inside her and I hated that she felt that way.

“Sometimes, I still can’t believe that you picked me over all those millions of women you’ve dated and slept with.”

“Rory, first of all, it wasn’t a million, so please get that number out of your head. Second of all, I think you are the most beautiful woman on the face of this earth.”

She turned her head and looked at me as I placed my hand on her cheek. “I love you, and I’m sorry that you have to deal with those other women. Unfortunately, I had to go through a lot of them before I found my soul mate.” I smiled. “You’re perfect and you’re you. You’ll always be beautiful and entertaining to me. You keep me on my toes and you keep my soul alive. You’ve changed me, and I thank you for that.”

A tear fell down her cheek and I gently wiped it away with my thumb. “I love you too, Ian, and it scares me to think I might lose you someday.”


“I don’t ever want you to be scared. You’re never going to lose me.”

I pulled her into me and held her tight. I needed her to feel safe and secure. “All better?” I asked.

She looked up at me and smiled. “Yeah, all better.”

“Good. Now let’s go back to the hotel so I can make love to you for the next few hours.”

“Next few hours?” She laughed. “Are you taking Viagra?”

“I don’t need Viagra when I’m with you, sweetheart. Just your look keeps me hard for hours.”


I rolled over and the Rory’s side of the bed was empty. I opened my eyes and looked around the room. As I glanced at the clock, I noticed it was six a.m. and the sun was starting to rise. I got out of bed, put on my pajama bottoms, and walked into the living area of the suite. That was where I saw Rory standing and looking out the window. I walked up behind her, wrapped my arms around her, and softly kissed her neck.

“What are you doing out here?”

“Just looking out into the city. It’s so amazing here, Ian. Just to be able to look at all the cars, the people on the streets, the tall buildings; it’s just incredible.”

“Well, I’m glad you’re enjoying the city so far, sweetheart,” I said as I kissed her cheek. “Are you hungry?”

“A little.”

“Why don’t you go take a shower and I’ll order us room service? Connor is sending his driver, Denny, to pick us up at nine-thirty.”

Rory turned around and smiled at me. “I can’t wait to see Ellery and Julia.”

“I know, sweetheart.”

She gave me a kiss and then went in the bathroom to take a shower. I called our breakfast order in and then checked my voicemail messages from last night.

“Hey, Ian, I wanted you to know that we found Rory’s father. Mr. Jimmy O’Rourke is living in Los Angeles. He owns the Piano Bar in Hollywood. Good luck.”

I sighed as I sat there, debating when I was going to tell Rory. I told her that I would look for him when we got back from New York. I honestly didn’t think he’d be that easy to find. God, wait until Rory finds out that her father lived less than an hour away from us. I didn’t want to ruin our trip for her, so I’d tell her as soon as we got back home. I looked up and saw that she was standing in the doorway, looking at me.

“You looked like you were in deep thought,” she said.

I held out my arms to her, motioning for her to come sit on my lap. She smiled as she walked over to me and sat down.

“I was just thinking about some business stuff.” I smiled as I kissed her head.

“Is everything okay?” she asked.

“Everything is fine, sweetheart. It’s just business; nothing for you to worry about.”

Just as I leaned in to kiss her beautiful lips, there was a knock at the door.

“Room service.”

Rory got up and I walked over to the door. I wasn’t wearing anything but my pajama bottoms and the young girl that delivered our food gasped when I opened it. I held the door open as she pushed in the cart.

“Here’s your breakfast, Mr. and Mrs. Braxton.”

Instantly, I spoke up. “We’re not married.”

Rory shot me a look and the girl looked at Rory.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t—”

“Don’t worry about it,” I said as I reached in my wallet and pulled out some money for a tip.

She quietly left the room, shutting the door behind her.

“Wow, Ian,” Rory said.

“Wow what, sweetheart?”

“That was rude.”

“Well, we’re not married and I don’t want her thinking we are.”

“Of course not, because that would tarnish your playboy reputation,” she said with a big attitude.

“Rory. Stop it and come eat your breakfast.” I sighed. “I’m not going to argue with you over something stupid like that.”

“It’s just the way you said it, Ian. You said it with an authoritative tone. Big deal if she thought we were married. You didn’t have to be so rude about it. Better yet, maybe I should get my own room so people won’t make that mistake again and maybe when we go out, I can walk a few feet behind you so people won’t get the wrong idea.”

I rolled my eyes at her and took in a deep breath. “Sweetheart.”

“No! This is not okay,” she said as she grabbed her tray and stomped off into the bedroom, slamming the door behind her.

Great, now she was eating alone in the bedroom. I was starting to believe that Adalynn’s wedding was getting to her. I walked over to the bedroom and opened the door. She was sitting on the bed with her knees up. I stood in the doorway and stared at her, since she wouldn’t look up at me.

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