“Yeah, well, maybe we’ve been wrong about that. Rory walked into my life and she changed everything for me.”

Andrew rolled his eyes as he walked over to the bar and poured another drink. “Whatever, Ian. She has you so pu**y whipped already that before you know it, you’ll be a daddy and you’ll be shoveling out millions in child support.”

I sighed as I sat down on the couch and glared at him. “First off, don’t tell me I’m pu**y whipped because that’s not the case. I love her and she loves me. Second of all, there will be no kids. You know that’s the one thing I’m firm on. There’s no way in hell I’d bring a kid into this world.”

Andrew chuckled. “Really, Ian? You don’t think that little woman of yours is going to secure her future and trap you?”

“No. Rory isn’t like that. She doesn’t care about my money. She cares about me and the person I am,” I said angrily.

“All women are like that and you’re stupid to think otherwise. That girl came from nothing. You took her in and showed her this life and now she won’t leave it. Why do you think she came back with you? Any secure woman would stay away from a man like you after the things you said. But the minute you ran after her in Paris, she was seeing those dollar signs, a rich husband, and three little kids running around this mansion with a future so secure she’d never have to worry again.”

I shifted myself and took in a sharp breath. Andrew and I had always been close and always had each other’s backs, but I didn’t like him talking about Rory like that.

“You’re wrong, Andrew. Very, very wrong. Rory and I love each other deeply. I love her for who she is and she loves me for who I am.”

“She’s in love with what you represent, Ian. Fuck, get your head out of your ass.”

I shot up from couch and pointed my finger at him. “That’s enough, Andrew. I will not sit here and let you talk about Rory like that. You’re the one who needs to get your head out of your ass and go find someone to love. It’s time to grow up, man.”

Andrew chuckled as he threw back his bourbon and slammed the glass down on the bar. “You’re making a serious mistake, Ian. Don’t come crying to me when she takes you for everything you’re worth,” he said as he shook his head and walked out the door.


I stood there, pissed, enraged, and a little surprised by his attitude. He needed to see and understand that Rory changed me, my life, and my views. She knocked sense into me when I thought I had everything in life figured out.

“Did Andrew leave?” I heard Rory ask behind me.

I turned around and smiled when I saw her standing there. “Yes, sweetheart, he left.”

“He wasn’t here very long.”

“He just wanted to stop by and say hi. He had somewhere to be,” I lied to her.

There was enough tension between the two of them already. I wasn’t about to tell her his concerns and what he had said. As I walked towards her, she gently bit down on her bottom lip. She must have known what I wanted because she had that sexy smile on her face. I wanted Rory Sinclair every second of every day, and I couldn’t get enough of her. She was my girl, my woman, and my partner. I was no longer Ian Braxton, and she was no longer Rory Sinclair. We were now Ian and Rory, a couple, a team, and we were ready to build a future together.

Chapter 8


As soon as Ian and I got back from our run, we sat down in the dining room while Mandy served us breakfast. I looked at Ian as he picked up the blueberry muffin from his plate.

“Rory, why are you staring at me like that?”

“Do you think—” I stopped what I was going to say and took in a breath.

“Do I think what, sweetheart?” Ian asked.

“Do you think you could go one day without eating a blueberry muffin?”

I sat there, face twisted, waiting for his response. He put down his muffin, took a sip of his coffee, and flashed me that irresistible smile.

“Rory, blueberry muffins are like sex to me. I can never have enough.” He winked.

I sighed because I knew I would forever watch my boyfriend eat blueberry muffins.

“Does it bother you that I eat these every day?” he asked.

“No, not at all. It’s just that after you eat something for so long, you eventually get sick of it.”

“Hmm, well if I ever grow tired of blueberry muffins, I’ll let you know.”

Just as I smiled at him, we heard the front door open.

“Good morning, my darlings,” Adalynn said as she breezed into the dining room.

“Good morning, Adalynn.”

“Morning, Adalynn. Muffin?” Ian smiled.

“God, no. I don’t know how you can eat those things every day.”

As I couldn’t help but laugh, Ian looked at me and raised his eyebrow. I flashed him a smile and turned my attention to Adalynn. “So what you brings you by?” I asked.

“I was hoping that you would come with me and look for wedding dresses today.”

The smile on my face grew wide. “I would love to go.”

“You couldn’t just call her on the phone and ask her that?” Ian asked.

“Ian, darling. I just had to see your beautiful, angelic face this morning before I could start my day.” She winked as she looked at me.

The banter between the two of them always made me smile.

“Well, then. You’ve seen it and now I must head to the office,” he said as he leaned over and kissed me and then kissed Adalynn on the cheek.

“Bye, darling.” I smiled.

Mandy walked over and set a cup of coffee in front of Adalynn. “I’m so excited to go look at wedding dresses. I’ve only ever seen them in magazines.”

“Good, because I’m going to be trying on a lot of them until I find the perfect one.” She smiled as she sipped her coffee.

I ran upstairs and grabbed my purse while Adalynn finished her breakfast. As I took my phone from the dresser, I noticed a text message from Ian.

“I miss you already. Have fun with Adalynn today.”

I smiled as I replied back.

“I miss you more and my fun will begin tonight when you’re home with me.”

“Rory, you’re killing me.”

“Love you, Ian.”

“Love you too, sweetheart.”

I was beaming from ear to ear as I walked down the stairs and over to Adalynn.

“I must say, Rory, you look like the happiest person I know.”

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