Similar to my first night, I made it to my room moments before Nell knocked. The sheriff had gone to find the lead stable hand to discuss caring for his horses while I fled to my room.

For some reason, I felt safer knowing he was here. He said he was going to ask to stay in the barn until he had somewhere else to live.

Moving close to the fire, I released a deep breath. My head ached and my nose was stuffed. I checked for blood quickly, grateful not to see any. It was a cold and not an issue with the implants in my brain. About to read my messages from Carter, I froze when the floorboards outside the door creaked.

Nell slammed the door open as she balanced a tray of breakfast in her hands.

"My god!" I exclaimed, heart jolting. "You scared me, Nell."

"No more than you scared your father!"

"What?" I hugged a blanket around me. "I think I'm getting sick."

"It would serve you right, Miss Josie." Despite the heated words, Nell cast me a worried look. She set the food and pot of tea on the table near the fire. "Drink some herbs. I expected you'd be ill today after you were out in the rain last night."

"Oh. You knew?"

"I did not, but your father saw you leave last night and the sheriff return with you this morning. He's displeased."


"I didn't worsen his condition, did I?" I asked.

"You did. He has not left his bed once this morning."

Dammit, Josie. I hadn't noticed anyone watching me leave and prayed no one saw me sneak in. That John was awake and witnessed both stung. The good man didn't deserve such worry, especially on his deathbed.

Nell was lecturing me in the tone I had quickly learned required no response. I had learned to tune out in the short time we'd been stuck together, but the last few words caught my attention.

"Sorry, what?" I asked.

Nell shot me a look. "Your father has decided that you will marry before he dies."

"Oh, shit."

"You should be worried. Your cousin Philip is the ideal husband."

I froze. John was sick, and Philip was a rapist if not a murderer. How long would it take for me to change history and leave?

John doesn't have long. "I think I should talk to my father," I whispered. "Can his mind be changed?"

"If anyone can change it, you can," Nell replied. "He is very worried about you, Miss Josie."

"Okay. Let's get me dressed."

Nell didn't argue. The lines around the woman's eyes were tight, an indication of her stress. I pitied her as much as I did John, wishing my appearance didn't cause anyone else such strain. Whatever happened, I couldn't get married off before I changed history. It was probably not the change history needed, and I definitely didn't know how I was going to survive this world without making a mess by refusing to adhere to the customs of this era. Women weren't taken seriously, and Philip was likely to kill me if I got in his way of taking over John's land and wealth, which I would, because he was a dick and John's servants didn't deserve to suffer the way Philip's did.

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